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There are two events associated with this project, each with separate calls for papers

Event 1. Conference Event: ‘East Asian Cities and Globalization: The Past in the Present’

University of Warwick, July 9-10, 2011

This workshop is part of the ESRC-funded network project ‘East Asian Cities and Globalization: New Perspectives’ affiliated with the Global History and Culture Centre at the University of Warwick. It aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars working on globalization and regionalism as it applies to city development, urbanization, and urbanity in East Asia. While East Asia is a region rich for such investigation, there has been little in the way of systematic attempts to move beyond discipline-based enquiries into the forms and processes of regionalism and globalization here. A major goal of this workshop is to form a dialogue between disciplines, and identify different types of trajectories that various East Asian cities have taken as they have become wholly or partially enmeshed in the processes of globalization.

We welcome papers on both historical and contemporary themes and which may focus on case studies of individual cities, or on the connections, networks and flows between them. Topics might include legacies of imperialism/colonialism, the rise of instant cities, ‘re-globalizing’ cities, cosmopolitanism, and consumer cultures.

Paper abstracts (500-700 words) and short CV (2-3 pages) should be sent to, by April 4th 2011. Informal enquiries may be directed to the same address. We aim to take selected publications forward for publication. Participants will receive funding support for round trip airfare to the UK, and accommodation and meals will also be provided.

Event 2. Graduate Student Summer Workshop: 'East Asian Cities and Globalization, New Challenges, New Approaches

University of Warwick, July 21-24, 2011

Call for participants:

East Asian Cities and Globalization: New Approaches, New Challenges

Graduate Summer Workshop at the University of Warwick, July 21-24, 2011

This graduate workshop is for PhD students who are at an advanced stage of their research and working on any aspect of ‘globalization’ as it applies to East Asian cities. The aim is to bring together an international and interdisciplinary group of students to present their own ongoing work and to explore the intersections of various lines of enquiry on this important area of research.  

Students will get the opportunity to present their work to other graduate students and to junior and senior members of faculty. This will be an excellent forum for gaining feedback from outside the usual channels (advisors, dissertation committee, etc.). The workshop will also feature several seminar sessions, led by junior and senior faculty from institutions in the UK and abroad, which address some of the key thematic and methodological issues that surround this topic. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges of comparison and to the relationship between global vs. local forces in shaping and defining cities in this region.

Applications are welcome from students working in a number of disciplines, including but not limited to history, anthropology, urban studies and planning, geography, and architecture.

Students wishing to participate should send an outline of their project (750 words), and a CV by e-mail to Dr. Christian Hess, Informal enquiries may be directed to the same address. In addition, one letter of reference from the candidate’s supervisor or someone who is familiar with their PhD is also required and should be sent from the referee directly to Dr. Hess as an email attachment in pdf or word format. Deadline for submission: May 6, 2011. Selection will be based on the merit of the outline, the recommendation, and the stage of the research. Applications from students in the early stages of their PhD research will not normally be considered.

This workshop is part of the ESRC-funded network project ‘East Asian Cities and Globalization: New Perspectives’ affiliated with the Global History and Culture Centre at the University of Warwick. It has also received funding support from the University of Warwick’s Institute for Advanced Studies.

Accommodation and meals during the workshop are free of charge. Funding to assist with travel expenses is also available. There is a possibility that some workshop events may take place at a venue in London, funding permitted.