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Warwick-Monash Partnership

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Strategic Funding Initiative for Joint Research and Education Programmes

Over the past two years, the University of Monash and the University of Warwick have supported two Strategic Funding Initiatives between Warwick's History Department (Global History and Culture Centre) and Monash's History Department:

2011-12. Gifts, Global Connections and Early Modern Material Culture

A series of joint events involving staff and students working on material and visual culture, with specific reference to the role of gifts and embassies in the early modern period.

2012-13. Teaching Global History

This workshop and videoconferences are aimed at developing a global history unit that can be taught jointly at both institutions.

The activities part of these two Strategic Funding Initiatives have been organised by Adam Clulow (Monash), Anne Gerritsen (Warwick) and Giorgio Riello (Warwick).