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Important information for students studying a Language Centre academic module


Academic modules are usually taken to acquire credits (CATS) as part of an undergraduate academic programme. These are also available (for a fee) to postgraduate students, University staff, and members of the public. You will therefore be expected to study the language seriously, devoting a significant amount of private study time outside the classes, completing all the work that is set by the tutor and taking the end of year examination.

30 CATS = 300 hours of study. Therefore up to 10 hours of private study/homework per week


Students’ attendance will be closely monitored. Students absent for two weeks will receive an email from the class tutor. If absent for a third time, students will receive a second email copied to the personal tutor/home department.


Test and Exam dates are clearly stated on the Language Centre website. Students missing an exam will not be allowed to re-sit unless a medical note from health professionals, or an email from the home department, is provided.

All marks are provisional until the external examiner has reviewed the complete module at the end of the academic year.

Scaling of module marks may occur if the marks are found to be either too high or too low for the whole module, in comparison with other Language Centre modules. Scaling does not happen regularly, but it may be necessary in some instances.


Students with special needs must contact Student Disability Services (SDS), at University House regarding special exam conditions (extra time, breaks, etc.) as soon as possible in term 1.

If you are in your first year here and had arrangements in place at a previous institution, the details of these won’t automatically transfer to the university, so you would still need to contact the Disability Office.

We would also be grateful if any such students would email the Language Centre Office at .You do not need to give details if you prefer not to.

If students with special needs do not contact SDS, the Language Centre will not be able to assist them with special exam conditions.


Details of textbooks can be found on the module web pages of the Language Centre.


If you are a one-term or two-term Erasmus student, you must inform your tutor, as some tests normally taken in term 3 will have to be brought forward to the end of term 2, before you return to your home university.