Current News
Interesting fact: Most Swiss newspapers’ weekend editions focus mainly on lifestyle issues and soft news.
20 Minuten is a free daily newspaper distributed on Swiss train stations. It has medium length articles, which serves mostly to give you an overview of an event. If you wanted more in depth information you should search for the same articles in another newspaper. It includes a lot of international news as well. It is the most widely read German language newspaper in Switzerland. You can divide the news by region in Switzerland which is very helpful if you wanted to look at place specific news.
Blick is a sensationalist newspaper, with the second largest circulation. It is a national daily newspaper. It can be likened to Bild in Germany.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung is considered a quality newspaper with intellectual in-depth articles focusing mostly on international affairs and the stock exchange. Its political alignment classical liberalism, and its politically positioned very close to the Free Democratic Party of Switzerland.
Tages Anzeiger is a national daily newspaper. It has many articles about international politics as well as issues facing Switzerland. It is politically and economically independent, but is considered politically aligned left of the centre and is government friendly.
News from the perspective of the young woman.