Link lists, facts etc | Government information | Embassies, cultural organizations | Political parties | Bundestag and Bundesrat
Link lists, facts
- DINO: Deutschland: Staat
- Google web directory: Deutschland: Staat
- Tatsachen über Deutschland New! Also in English
- CIA World Factbook: Germany
- Wer uns regiert New! Handelsblatt brochure
Sites for Government information
- Bundesämter und Bundesanstalten Ministries and government organizations at Bund and Land level
- Die Bundesregierung The German government's own site. Information also available in English, French and Spanish
- Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
- Politische Bildung: das Informations-Portal zur politischen Bildung New! Link catalogue, text downloads etc
- Bundeswehr
- Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
Embassies, cultural organizations
- Botschaften in Deutschland
- German Embassy, London
- Inter Nationes includes information leaflets online
Political parties
- Bellnet: Parteien und politische Organisationen
- Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen
- Portal Liberal: FDP
- Die Linkspartei.PDS
Bundestag and Bundesrat
- Deutscher Bundestag
- DIP: Database of parliamentary proceedings
- Bundestags-Drucksachen und -Plenarprotokolle For documents since the 13th Wahlperiode (1994)
- Parlamentsspiegel Federal and Land parliamentary papers since 1986
- New! Promoting more transparency in Parliament; "der direkte Draht von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern zu den Abgeordneten und Kandidierenden"
- Bundesrat
- Länder Links to Land parliament and government pages
- Parliamentary party fractions:
- hib (Heute im Bundestag) Information bulletin, often updated several times daily. With an archive since 1998 and search engine
- Blickpunkt Bundestag: Forum der Demokratie archived since 1998
- PARLIT: bibliographic database New! International database of references to books and articles on parliamentary law and practice