Radio and TV
- Radio und TV Linklist from Konstanz
- radio locator: German stations page
- German radio stations online live German-language stations on the Web
- Deutsche Radiosender New! From the University of Exeter media page
- Deutschlandradio: Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio Berlin
- Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv Includes selected historical recordings online
- WWW Virtual Library: Deutsche Medienquellen
Major German daily papers and TV channels
- Internet TV from Germany from the Worldwide Internet TV Portal: lists stations with live streaming
- rtv online Fernseh-Programme
- TVgenial New! Freeware program for TV programme magazine download
- Tagesschau
daily TV news programmes (to 20.00), archived since January 1 1997
- Tagesthemen
the late-night news programme (22.30)
- Tagesschau
- Phoenix: der Ereignis- und Dokumentationskanal von ARD und ZDF Top-Themen archived since April 2000
- 3sat German culture channel
- arte French-German TV station