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RS 1314

Conon de Béthune

I Bien me deüsse targier de chançon faire et de mos et de chans, quant me convient eslongier 4 de la millor de totes les vaillans; si em puis bien faire voire vantance, ke je fas plus por Dieu ke nus amans, si en sui mout endroit l’ame joians, 8mais del cors ai et pitié et pesance.

II On se doit bien efforchier de Dieu servir, ja n’i soit li talans, et la char vaintre et plaissier, 12ki adés est de pechier desirans; adont voit Dieus la doble penitance. Hé! las, se nus se doit sauver dolans, dont doit par droit ma merite estre grans, 16car plus dolans ne se part nus de France.

III Vous ki dismés les croisiés, ne despendés mie l’avoir ensi: anemi Dieu en seriés. 20Dieus! ke porront faire si anemi, quant tot li saint trambleront de dotance devant Celui ki onques ne menti? Adont seront pecheor mal bailli, 24se sa pitiés ne cuevre sa poissance.

IV Ne ja por nul desirier ne remanrai chi avoc ces tirans, ki sont croisiet a loier 28por dismer clers et borgois et serjans; plus en croisa covoitiés ke creance, et quant la crois n'en puet estre garans, a teus croisiés sera Dieus mout soffrans 32se ne s’en venge a peu de demorance.

V Li ques s’en est ja vangiés, des haus barons, qui or li sont faillit. C’or les eüst anpiriés, 36qui sont plus vil que onques mais ne vi! Dehait li bers qui est de tel sanblance con li oixel qui conchïet son nit! Po en i a n’ait son renne honi, 40por tant qu’il ait sor ses homes possance.

VI Qui ces barons empiriés sert sans eür, ja n’ara tant servi k’il lor em prenge pitiés; 44pour çou fait boin Dieu servir, ke je di qu’en lui servir n’a eür ne kaance, mais ki mieus sert, et mieus li est meri. Pleüst a Dieu k’Amors fesist ausi 48ensvers tos ceaus qui ens li ont fiance.

VII Or vos ai dit des barons la sanblance; si lor an poise de ceu que jou ai di, si s’an praingnent a mon mastre d’Oissi, 52qui m’at apris a chanter tres m’anfance.

[VIII] Par Deu, compains, adés ai ramambrance c’onques aüst ................................. amin, ne tous li mons ne vadroit riens sans li; 56magrei Gilon, adés croist sa vaillance.

I I really ought to give up making a song and words and music, since I have to go far away from the best of all worthy ladies; indeed, I can truly boast that I am doing more for God than any other lover, but if I am joyful about it as regards my soul, I feel pity and sadness for my body.

II It is right to make an effort to serve God, even if the desire to do so is not there, and to conquer and subdue the flesh, which is always inclined to sin; in this case God sees the double penitence. Alas, if it is by suffering that one is to obtain salvation, then my merit should rightly be great, for no man leaves France more sorrowfully.

III You who tax the crusaders, do not spend the money thus: you will become God’s enemies. Oh God, what will His enemies be able to do when even the saints tremble with fear before the One who never lied? Then sinners will be in a dreadful plight, if His pity does not overcome His anger.

IV I have absolutely no desire to remain here with these tyrants who have taken the cross out of self-interest, to tax clerics, burghers and men-at-arms/sergeants; greed more than faith has made them take the cross, and since the cross cannot (suffice to) protect them, God will certainly prove very patient with such crusaders if He does not swiftly take vengeance on them.

V He [God] has already taken vengeance on the great barons who have now failed Him. Would that He had made things worse for them, for they are baser than anyone ever seen! A curse on the lord who behaves like the bird that soils its own nest! There are few who have not treated their own lands shamefully, just to have power over their own men.

VI Anyone who has the misfortune to serve these degenerate lords will never serve sufficiently for them to take pity on him; so it is better to serve God, for I say that in serving Him there is no element of chance or risk, but whoever serves best is best rewarded. Would that it pleased God that Love would do the same with those who trust in him.

VII Now I have told you how the barons are behaving; if they are annoyed at what I have said, let them take it up with my master of Oisy who has taught me to sing since my childhood.

[VIII] By God, companion, I always recall [that Love has never] had a [more loyal] friend, and the whole world would be worth nothing without him/her [Love?]; despite Gilles, his/her worth is always increasing.

Historical context and dating

Line 17 mentions the establishment of the so-called ‘Saladin tithe’, the tax imposed to finance the Third Crusade (end of March 1188); in addition song RS 1314 is echoed by Huon d’Oisy in RS 1030 (see the commentary to that text) and its composition must therefore precede Huon’s death, documented as falling on 20 August 1189. This limit seems also confirmed by the document in which Philip Augustus cancels the collection of the tithe (April-October 1189) and by the attack on the conduct of the men of power (vv. 17-19) which seems to allude to the situation preceding the death of Henry II of England (6 July 1189; see Schöber 1976, pp. 130-131). The song must therefore have been composed between the summer of 1188 and that of 1189, probably soon after RS 1125. It seems likely that Bertran de Born's sirventes BdT 80.17 was composed shortly after Conon de Béthune's crusade songs. In this case the date proposed by Gouiran for BdT 80.17 (February-November 1888, see Gouiran 1987, p. 473) would allow us to date the composition of RS 1314 to the second half of 1188. The date proposed by Paden 1986 for BdT 80.17 (shortly before Richard's departure on crusade in the spring of 1191) would however leave a wider margin.