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RS 140

Châtelain d’Arras

I Aler m’estuet la u je trairai paine, en cele terre u Diex fu travelliés; mainte pensee i averai grevaine, 4 quant me serai de ma dame eslongiés; et saciés bien jamais ne serai liés dusc’a l’eure que l’averai prochaine. Dame, merci! Quant serai repairiés, 8 pour Dieu vos proi qu’en vos prenge pitiés.

II Douce dame, contesse et chastelaine de tout valoir, cui sevrance m’est griés, si est de vos com est de la seraine, 12qui par son chant a pluisors engigniés: n’en sevent mot, ses a si aprociés que ses dous cans lor navie mal maine; ne se gardent, ses a em mer plongiés; 16et, s’il vos plaist, ensi sui perelliés.

III En peril sui, se pitiés ne m’aïe, mais se ses cuers resamble ses dos oex, je sai de voir dont n’i perirai mie: 20esperance ai qu’ele l’ait mout piteus. Sovent recort, quant od li ere seus, qu’ele disoit: «Mout seroie esjoïe, se repariés; je vous ferai joiex: 24or soiés vrais come fins amourex».

IV Ha Dex, dame, cis mos me rent la vie; biaus sire Diex, com il est precïeus! Sans cuer m’en vois el regne de Surie: 28od vos remaint, c’est ses plus dous chateus. Dame vaillans, comment vivra cors seus? Se le vostre ai od moi en compaignie, adés iere plus joiaus et plus preus: 32del vostre cuer serai chevalereus.

V Del gentil cuer Genievre la roïne fu Lanselos plus preus et plus vaillans; pour li emprist mainte dure aatine, 36si en souffri paines et travas grans; mais au double li fu gueredonans, aprés ses maus, loiaus amie fine; en tel espoir serf et ferai tous tans 40celi a cui mes cuers est atendans.

VI Li chastelains d’Arras dist en ses chans: ne doit avoir amour vraie enterine ki a la fois n’en est liés et dolans; 44por ce se met del tout en ses comans.

I I have to go to where I shall suffer pain, to that land where God was tortured; there I shall have many heavy thoughts, when I shall be far away from my lady; and be well aware that I shall nevermore be happy until the hour when I shall have her close. Lady, have mercy! When I return, I beg you for God’s sake to take pity on me.

II Sweet lady, countess and châtelaine of great worth, from whom parting is grievous to me, with you it is the same as with the siren who has deceived many (sailors) through her song: they are unaware of it, and she has come so close to them that her sweet song leads them off course; they pay no heed, and now she has plunged them into the sea; and in the same way, if it please you, I am in danger of shipwreck.

III My life is in danger, if pity does not help me; but if her heart resembles her sweet eyes, I am sure I shall not perish there: I have the hope that it is most full of pity. Often I recall that when I was alone with her she would say: «I shall be most joyful if you return; I shall give you joy, (but) now be true like a true lover».

IV Oh God, lady, these words bring me back to life; good Lord God, how precious they are! I go off to the kingdom of Syria without a heart: it remains with you, it is its sweetest gain. Worthy lady, how will my body survive alone? If I have yours (your heart) for company, I shall be constantly more joyful and fight better: thanks to your heart I shall be bold in battle.

V Thanks to the noble heart of Guinevere the queen Lancelot was braver and more valiant; for her sake he undertook many hard fights and suffered great pains and tribulations; but the true courtly beloved, after his sufferings, doubly rewarded him; in such hope I serve and will ever serve the one to whom my heart aspires.

VI The Châtelain d’Arras says in his songs that one cannot experience true, perfect love without feeling at the same time joy and pain; so he submits entirely to her will.

Historical context and dating

Aside from the rubric of the authoritative ms. T, numerous indications point to the Châtelain d’Arras as the author of this piece. Although Metcke 1906, p. 13, considered the reference in v. 41 as a quotation from another author, it must be an internal signature, given that the Châtelain d’Arras was little known. In addition there is a second song (RS 308) attributed to a Châtelain d’Arras by ms. P (ms. C, notoriously unreliable, attributes it to Thibaut de Champagne), also addressed to a countess (RS 140, 9: Douce dame contesse et chastelaine and RS 308, 9: Contesse a droit la doit on apeler) and in both cases the address is accompanied by the expression de tout valoir in v. 10, a coincidence which seems to confirm the difficilior attribution of both these texts to the Châtelain d’Arras.

T’s rubric also provides us with the Christian name of the Châtelain in question. According to the study of Feuchère 1948, the only châtelain of Arras named Hugues is the son and heir of Baudouin V; his date of birth is unknown, but his activity as a castellan is documented from 1210 to 1226, the date of his death, as witnessed in the necrology of the “Confrérie des jongleurs et bourgeois d’Arras” (Berger 1970). In a document of 1206 the sons Hugues and Robert confirm a donation by Baudouin, which suggests that the elder son was born in 1190 at the latest. None of the documents concerning Hugues mentions him participating in a crusade, which would have to be the Fifth; so at least three documents go back to the period when the crusade was in full swing (22 January 1218, February 1219 and April 1219) and testify to his presence in Arras. True, he could have taken the cross and shown his intention to leave before 1218 (probably between 1213, the year of Innocent III’s bull Quia maior, and the summer of 1217, when the first crusaders left for Acre), and then have renounced his commitment for unknown reasons. Alternatively he could have left for the East for a short time between the start of 1218 and the start of 1219, or else after April of the same year, even if this seems unlikely: from the end of May 1218 the crusade was directed against Egypt and more specifically Damietta, while the two mentions in the Châtelain’s song refer unquestionably to the Holy Land (the land of Christ’s passion in vv. 1-2 and Surie in v. 27). In any case there is no trace of the Châtelain d’Arras in the East (his name is absent from the list of participants in the Fifth Crusade drawn up by Röhricht 1891). It is also recorded that the preaching of the crusade in France by the papal legate Robert de Courçon met with scant success, and only a few French knights took part in it. Of the life of Hugues d’Arras we know only that in 1216 he took part in the French king’s embassy to England to meet the barons in revolt against John Lackland, and that he accompanied the future Louis VIII in the ensuing English expedition. These chronological references seem also to be confirmed by the dedication of song RS 308 to Thomas de Coucy (v. 33), the son of Raoul I de Coucy, born before 1187 (Barthélemy 1984, pp. 406-407) and hence a contemporary of Hugues d’Arras. Thomas was an opponent of Thibaut de Champagne from 1229 and died in 1253.

Given the information provided by the manuscript tradition and historical documentation, it seems most likely that RS 140 was composed by the Châtelain d’Arras at the time when he had shown his intention of leaving on the Fifth Crusade, at some time between 1213 and 1217.