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RS 1738a


I Tut li mund deyt mener joye e estre ben emvoysez: li roys de Fraunche é croysés 4pur aler en chele voye la u che ne pas employe ki tent de tusz se pechez. Sauf é ki en la mer noye. 8Trop m’é tard ki je n’i soye; la Deus fu crucefïé n’a nul ke aler n’i doye.

II Ne savey pas le aventure 12pur quey li roys é croysés? Il é leaus e enters e s’é prudums a dreyture, taunt cum sa reame dure 16est il amés e aproysés; saynte vie nette pure, saunz pechet e saunz ordure moyne li roys, se sachez, 20ke un n’a de maveyté cure.

III Il out une maladie ke lungement li dura, par queus reysun se croysa; 24kar ben fu lu e demie k’em quidout ke i fu saun vie. Auchun dist ke i trepassa; dame Blaunche l’achevie, 28ki est sa mer e s’amie, mu durement se ecria: «Fist, taunt dure departie!».

IV Tusz quiderent vroyement 32ke li roys fu trepassés; un drap fu sur li jetés e pluroyent durement entur li tute se gent: 36un teu doyl ne fu mené. Li quens d’Artoys vroyement dist au roy mu ducement: «Beaus dusz frere, a moy parlés, 40si Jesu le vus cunsent».

V Adunt li roys suspira: «E, beaus frere, dusz amis, u é li veche de Paris? 44Orẹ tost si m’en croysiray! Kar lungement esteya utre mer mes eprisz, e li men cors i girra! 48Si Deus pleysit conquera la tere, e susz Saracins ben eit ke me eydera!».

VI Tuz furent joiaunz e lesz 52quant il oerent li roys e se tindrent tusz coys, for sa mere au cors duszgé; ducement l’a embraché 56......................................... «je vus duray de deners karget karaunte sumers, bonement le vus otroye, 60a duner a soudoers».

VII Chaschun, a chete nuvele, deyt estre ben abaudisz, kar isi cum m’ét avis 64el ét avenaunte e bele; must sera en haute sele dewaun Deus en paraÿs ke repaundra sa cervele, 68u sun saunc, u sa buële en la tere u eu paÿs, la Deus nacquit de l’auncele.

IThe whole world should rejoice and be truly happy: the king of France has taken the cross to go on that journey not undertaken by one who clings on to all his sins. He who drowns in the sea is saved. I cannot wait to take part; there is no-one who ought not to go to where God was crucified.

II Do you not know what happened to make the king to take the cross? He is loyal and upright, and he is a truly worthy man; for as long as his kingdom lasts he will be loved and esteemed. Know this well: the king leads a holy, guiltless, pure life, without sin or filth, for he is never drawn to evil.

III He had an illness that had affected him for a long time, which was why he took the cross. He had long been thought lifeless. Someone said he had expired; the graceful lady Blanche, who is his mother and his friend, let out a piercing cry: «My son, how hard it is to part!».

IV All really thought he had expired; a sheet was laid over him, and around him all his people wept bitterly; never was such outpouring of grief. The count of Artois actually said very softly to the king: «Fair sweet brother, speak to me, if Jesus lets you do so».

V Then the king sighed: «Ah! fair brother, sweet friend, where is the bishop of Paris? I wish to take the cross at once! My spirit has long been overseas and my body shall go there! God willing, I shall win back the Holy Land, and blessed be he who assists me against the Saracens!»

VI All were happy and joyful when they heard the king, and remained in silence, except his graceful mother; she embraced him sweetly [...] «I shall give you forty pack-horses laden with money to give to mercenaries; this I grant you most willingly».

VII At this news each one ought to take heart, for it seems to me it is pleasing and fine; anyone who spills his brains or his blood or his entrails in the land and in the country where God was born from [His] handmaid will have a most high seat before God in Paradise.

Historical context and dating

In the summer of 1244 the situation of Christians in the Holy Land, after being strengthened by the ephemeral truce and territorial concessions obtained by Richard of Cornwall in 1241 at the end of the Barons’ Crusade, deteriorated to the point of crisis. The sultan of Egypt al-Salih Ayyub entered an alliance with the Kwarismians and Mameluks driven out of Turkey by the advance of the Mongols and unleashed an offensive culminating in the sack of Jerusalem on 23 August, with the ensuing massacre of the Christians and the heavy defeat of the Christian - Syrian alliance on 17 October at La Forbie (Gaza). Jerusalem was irreperably lost and the Christian presence in the Holy Land much reduced. Shortly afterwards, definitely before the news of the disaster at La Forbie reached Europe, the king of France Louis IX, who had returned from a military campaign in Saintonge 1242 in a weakened state, suffered a serious relapse between 10 and 14 December 1244 and fell unconscious, which led to fears for his life. After his recovery, considered miraculous (according to Matthew Paris, Louis’ mother Blanche had had the relics of the Passion brought to Pontoise from Paris), the king made a vow to go to the Holy Land and asked the bishop of Paris Guillaume d’Auvergne for the cross. The episode of the king’s illness and “resurrection” made a great impression on contemporaries, and was widely diffused and repeated in all the chronicles of the time, albeit sometimes with contradictory details (see for example Joinville, Vie de Saint Louis, §§ 106-107; Matthew Paris, Chronica majora, IV 397-398; Eracles, pp. 431-432; Continuation Rothelin, pp. 566-568; Guillaume de Nangis, Chronicon, I, pp. 197-198 and Gesta Ludovicis regis Franciae, pp. 344-345; Baudouin d’Avesnes, Chronicon, p. 453; Guillaume Guiart, Branche des royaus lingnages, vv. 9595-9615. For a more exhaustive list see Röhricht 1890 and Meyer-Stimming 1907). RS 1738a recounts the episode of the king’s illness and must therefore postdate 14 December 1244. The enthusiastically hortatory nature of some passages (see vv. 8-10, 48-50 and 61-70) suggests that the composition of the text cannot have taken place long after the king took the cross, even if it was likely to followed his complete recovery, and hence also pope Innocent IV’s declaration at the Council of Lyon (26 June - 17 July) addressing the Mongol question and the subject of aid to the Holy Land (3 January 1245). But the possibility that the composition of the text took place some time afterwards cannot be ruled out: perhaps just before the Council of Lyon, where the organisation of the crusade was discussed, or after the assembly summoned by Louis on 9 October where the king confirmed his own vow and many French barons took the cross, or else during the preaching of the crusade by the pontifical legate Eudes of Châteauroux in the last months of 1245. It seems in any case certain that the song was composed some time in 1245.