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RS 1891

Roi Richart

IJa nus homs pris ne dira sa raisonAdroitement si con hon dolanz non;Mes par confort puet il fere chanzon.4 Pro ai d’amis mes povre sont li don;Honte i auront se por ma raençon     Sui ça deus ivers pris.

IICe sevent bien mi home e mi baron,8 Englais, Normant, Poitevin et Gascon,Qe je n’avoie si povre conpaignonQe je laissasse por avoir en prison.Je nel di pas por nulle retraçon,12     Mes encor sui je pris.

IIIOr sai je bien de voir certainementQe morz ne pris n’a ami ne parent,Qant hom me lait por or ne por argent.16Molt m’est de moi, mes plus m’est de ma gent,Q’apres ma mort auront reprocement,     Se longement sui pris.

IVN’est pas merveille se j’ai le cor dolent20Qant mi sires met ma terre en torment.Se li menbrast de nostre serementQe nos feïmes amdui comunaument,Bien sai de voir qe ja plus longement24     Ne seroie ça pris.

VCe sevent bien Angevin et Torain,Cil bachaler qi sont delivre e sain,Q’engonbrez sui loing d’eus en autrui main;28Forment m’aidassent mes il ne voient grain. De belles armes sont ore vuit li plain     Por ce qe je sui pris.

VIMi conpagnon qe je amoie e qe j’ain,32Cil de Chaieu e cil de Percerain,Chanzon, di lor q’il ne sont pas certain:Q’onques vers els ne oi faus cuer ne vain.S’or me gerroient trop feront qe vilain36     Tant con je soie pris.

VIIContesse soer, vostre pris soverainVos saut et gart cil a cui je me claim     E por cui je sui pris.

VIIIJe nel di pas por celle de Chartrain,     La mere Loeÿs.

INo prisoner will speak his mind fittingly unless he does so as a man in sorrow; but he can, for consolation, make a song. I have friends enough but the gifts are few; they will be shamed if for want of my ransom I am here for two winters a prisoner.

IIThis my men and my barons – English, Norman, Poitevin and Gascon – know full well: I never had a companion so poor I would leave him in prison for the sake of wealth. I do not say this as a reproach, but I am still a prisoner.

IIINow I well and truly know for certain that a dead man or a prisoner has no friend or family, since I am left here for the sake of gold or silver. I fear for myself, but even more so for my people, for after my death they will be dishonoured, if I am held prisoner for a long time.

IVIt is no wonder I have a grieving heart when my lord causes havoc in my land. If he were to remember our oath which we both made together, I know for sure that I would no longer be a prisoner here.

VThe men of Anjou and Touraine, those youths who are free and healthy, know full well that I am held far from them in another’s hands; they would help me greatly but see no money coming. The plains are now empty of fine arms because I am a prisoner.

VIMy companions whom I loved and love still – the lords of Cayeux and of Perche – tell them, Song, that they are not men to rely on: the heart I had for them was never false nor faltering. If they now wage war on me, they will act most basely, as long as I were to remain a prisoner.

VIICountess sister, may the one to whom I appeal and on whose account I am a prisoner save and guard your sovereign worth for you.

VIIII do not say this about the one in Chartres, The mother of Louis.


Charmaine Lee, 2015.

Historical context and dating

The historical background to the song, sometimes called la rotrouenge du prisonnier, is of course Richard’s capture and imprisonment in December 1192 on his journey homeward from the Third Crusade. As is well known, in October 1192 after taking Acre, Arsuf and occuping Jaffa, Richard suddenly decided to return home, his decision probably prompted by the trouble that had been brewing up in his kingdom. When he left for the Crusade in September 1189, Richard had only recently been crowned king of England. He had left the government of the kingdom to his brother John, offering him lands in England and the county of Mortain in Normandy to try and keep his ambitions in check, but John soon began plotting against his brother, especially once Philip Augustus, who had left the Crusade the year before, was back in France and took advantage of the situation. This was despite an agreement with Richard that neither would attack the other’s interests while one or both were away serving God’s cause.

Because he had been informed of the fact that Raymond VI of Toulouse and other southern French barons, through whose lands he would have passed, had risen against him, he chose not go via Marseilles as he had on the way out to the Holy Land, but rather to sail up the Adriatic, hoping to return through Germany, where he would be under the protection of his brother-in-law, Henry the Lion. However, he was shipwrecked off the Istrian coast and thus proceeded overland, when, despite being disguised perhaps as a merchant, he was captured by the Duke of Austria, Leopold of Babenberg. Leopold apparently bore him a grudge, either because he believed Richard had slighted him at the siege of Acre, or because Richard, after conquering Cyprus, held captive prince Isaac Comnenus and his wife, who were related to Leopold, or again because he blamed Richard for the assassination of Conrad of Monferrat in April 1192. In February of the following year, Leopold, who was also aware of Richard’s differences with the Emperor over the Sicilian succession, sold him on to Henry VI. Richard spent nearly a year and a half in captivity, moving from one prison to another, from Dürnstein on the Danube, via Speyer to Trifels in the Rhine valley, taking part in assemblies to discuss his case at Regensburg, Speyer, Worms and Mainz. Here he was finally released on February 4th, 1194, after payment of a ransom of 100,000 marks and the promise of a further 50,000. During the spring of 1193 Richard was at Trifels, where conditions seem to have been rather harsh, prompting him to write several letters of complaint. The poem, as Gillingham argues (1999, pp. 239-243) would fit into this context, thus the most likely date is the spring of 1193. Ja nus homs pris, therefore, is not technically a Crusade song, but rather a song from the aftermath of the Third Crusade, a request for payment of a ransom.