RS 886
Maistres Renas
I Pour lou pueple resconforteir ke tant ait jeut en tenebrour, vos veul en chantant resconteir 4lou grant damaige et la dolour ke li paien font outremeir de la terre Nostre Signor. Cel païx devons nos clameir, 8car tuit i irons a un jor!
Jerusalem plaint et ploure le secors ke trop demoure.
II A un jor? Ki le puet savoir? 12Trop ai pairleit hardiement? Certes, signor, je vos di voir: ceu iert a jor del jugement! De celle terre sont cil hoir 16ki ont resut baptissement, ou li Fils Deu volt resevoir por nos la poene et lou torment.
Jerusalem plaint et ploure 20(le secors ke trop demoure).
III Molt per est grans duels quant on pert lou vrai sepulcre ou Deus fut mis, et ke li saint leu sont desert 24ou Nostre Sire estoit servis! Saveis por coi Deus l’ait souffert? Il veult esproveir ces amis, ki servise li ont offert, 28a vengier de ces anemis.
Jerusalem plaint et ploure (le secors ke trop demoure).
IV Tous iert li pueples desvoiés 32et torneis a perdition, maix la Croix les ait ravoiés et torneis a redemption. Li plux faus et li moins prixiés 36puet avoir absolution, maix k’il s’en voist et soit croixiés en Terre de Promission.
Jerusalem plaint et (ploure 40le secors ke trop demoure).
V Terre de Promesse est nomeis Jerusalem, je le vos di! En Bethleem ou Deu fut neis, 44est li temples ou Deus soffri et la croix ou Il fut peneis et le sepulchre ou surrexit. Lai iert li boens luwiers doneis 48a ceauls ki l’avront deservit.
Jerusalem plaint et ploure (le secors ke trop demoure).
VI Ke pensent li roy? Grant mal font 52cil de France et cil des Englois, ke Damedeu vengier ne vont et delivreir la sainte Croix! Quant il a jugement vanront, 56dont lor parrait lor bone foit, se Deu faillent, a Lui fauront: Il dirait: «Je ne vos conoix!».
Jerusalem plaint et ploure 60 (le secors ke trop demoure).
VII Prince, duc, conte, ki aveis en cest siecle tous vos aviaus, Deus vos ait semons et mandeis: 64guerpissiés villes et chaistiaus! Encontre l’Espous en aleis, et si porteis oille en vaixiaulz! S’en vos lampes est feus troveis 68li gueridons en iert molt biauls!
Jerusalem plaint et ploure (le secors, ke trop demoure).
VIII Elais! ne cognoissent lor sen! 72Ke sont lampes, oile desus? Lampes se sont les bone gens dont Deus est ameis et cremus, ke son servixe font tous tens. 76Lai est bien alumeis li feus. Cil irait o les Innocens ki en bone oevre iert conxeüs.
Jerusalem plaint et ploure 80lou secors ke trop demoure.
I To comfort the people who have long lain in darkness, I wish to tell you in song of the great damage and the grief that the pagans bring overseas in the land of Our Lord. We must claim back that land, for all of us will go there on the same day!
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
II On the same day? Who can know? Have I spoken too boldly? No, Lords, I am telling you the truth: it will happen on Judgment Day! All those who have been baptised are heirs to that land, where the Son of God consented to receive pain and torture.
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
III It is most exceedingly wretched for us to have lost the true Sepulchre where God was laid and for the holy places where Our Lord was served to be abandoned. Do you know why God allowed it? He wishes to test His friends who have offered their service in avenging Him against His enemies.
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
IV All the people had lost their way and were heading for perdition, but the Cross has brought them back to the right path and led them towards redemption. Even the most false and despised can receive absolution as long as he departs and takes the cross for the Promised Land.
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
V I tell you this: the Promised Land is named Jerusalem! In Bethlehem where God was born is the temple where God suffered, and the cross where He was tortured and the sepulchre where He rose from the dead. There the just reward will be given to those who have deserved it.
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
VI What are the kings thinking? Those of France and of the English are acting most wickedly in not going to avenge the Lord God and rescue the holy Cross! When they come to judgment, then their good faith will be apparent: if they fail Him, they will lose Him. He will say, ‘I know you not!’
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
VII You princes, dukes, counts, who in this world have all your desires, God has called and summoned you: leave your cities and castles! Go to meet the Spouse and carry with you jars of oil! If the light is found in your lamps, the reward will be most wonderful!
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
VIII Alas, they do not understand their meaning! What are the lamps, the oil just mentioned? The lamps are the good people who love and fear God, who are always at His service. In them the light is well lit. The one who is intent on performing good deeds (when Christ arrives) will go to where the Innocents are.
Jerusalem weeps and laments ∙ for the long delay in help!
Historical context and dating
Like Vous ki ameis de vraie amor (RS 1967), this song should be dated to the specific period immediately preceding departure on the Fifth Crusade, in which the West was criss-crossed by doctors of Paris University preaching a new crusade. The essence of Pour lou pueple also lies in the spiritual and pastoral aspect of the expedition, and the only historical clue here is found in v. 52 addressed to the kings, cil de France et cil des Englois. On this basis Bédier has no doubts concerning the historical context of the song: ‘Il est assuré (voy. les vers 21-2, 51-4) que la chanson a été écrite entre 1189 et les premiers mois de 1191’ (Bédier 1906, 386 and Bédier-Aubry 1909, 77 ). Even later scholars have expressed no doubts about dating it to the period of the Third Crusade (for example Dijkstra 1995a, p. 90: the song ‘doit avoir été composée entre avril 1189, première date prévue pour le début de la croisade, et juillet 1190, date à laquelle les croisés sont enfin partis’). However, the French and English monarchs’ inertia as regards departure for the Holy Land was a continuing feature of the years following 1190. Line 77, Cil irait o les Innocens, may offer an important clue pointing to a date later than the end of the twelfth century. Innocens has generally been interpreted as referring to the episode in Matthew’s gospel, 2, 1-16. However, in 1212 an event took place which made a great impression on its contempories, the so-called Children’s Crusade, to which the Chronicle of the Anonymous of Laon refers (cfr. Bouquet 1879, p. 715). This was a popular movement which had attempted to revive people’s spirits in the direction of a new crusade, and which resonated particularly in the Rhineland, but soon ended destructively in a mixture of indifference and dismissiveness on the part of the religious and politico-military authorities: ‘1212. Multa milia puerorum cruce signatorum versus mare iter arripuerunt; sed illa peregrinacio annichilata fuit’ (cfr. Flores Temporum. Imperatores, in MGH SS, XXIV, p. 240, r. 13; see also infra, note to v. 77). The Innocents, alongside whom will stand those who have deserved God’s reward, may therefore be the child crusaders (and hence ‘without sin’), who died for the reconquest of the Holy Land; in this case the terminus post quem for the song’s composition would be 1212. If we are then to identify a period of relative peace in which it would be possible for the kings of France and England to be asked to act together and take part in a new expedition, there are not many alternatives before the departure of the crusade in 1217 (which could be taken as the extreme limit ante quem). There is actually only one (uncertain) period of non-belligerence between the English and French kings. This falls after the battle of Bouvines, when King John, a vassal of the pope since 1213, agreed to the truce of Parthenay in September 1214 with Philip Augustus (and with Louis VIII), which had been promoted by the manoeuvring of the papal legate Robert de Courçon (cfr. Teulet 1836, p. 405). At the end of the Fourth Lateran Council and with the promulgation of the constitution Ad liberandam on 14 December 1215, Innocent III pressed for John’s promised aid for the crusade (the King had taken the cross on 4 March 1215), and at the same time condemned any support for the rebel barons in his kingdom who had invited Philip Augustus to claim the English crown. The truce, which was supposed to last for five years, was very short-lived: in the spring of 1216 the prospect of a new war between John and the Capetians loomed large. From the beginning of the year Louis had once more begun to prepare to invade England. So in 1216, preparations for attack and defence kept both French and English armies occupied, taking men and resources away from the crusade which had only just been announced (Cheney 1976, pp. 391-93). It was natural that this state of affairs should cause great anxiety to the Pope, the same anxiety as that expressed in the passionate tones of popular propaganda in Pour lou pueple resconforteir. Louis landed on the coast of Dover on 21 May 1216 and hostilities kept the two kings tied down for the next two years: this date therefore signals the latest date at which it would have been possible to exhort cil de France et cil des Englois to leave for the Holy Land under a single aegis (see Bolton 1991). In this case the song must date from after September 1214 (the truce of Parthenay), or March 1215 (when John took the cross; Louis VIII had already done so in 1213 for the crusade to the South), and before May 1216 (Louis’ landing at Dover).
Who was Maistres Renas? Guesnon (1902, p. 140) suggests indentifying him with Renaut de Beauvais, on the basis of a quotation from Jean Bodel’s Congés (Ha! Maistre Renaut de Biauvais, / Ja est li siecles si mauvais! (vv. 409-10), composed in c. 1202 (hence compatible with the generally accepted date of 1189-90), and on the evidence of the obituary of Arras which registers a contemporary magister Reinaldus, canonicus Atrebatensis. However his hypothesis has not been generally accepted since the proper name is extremely common, even if scholars unanimously agree that the poet belonged to the clergy of north-eastern France (see Bédier-Aubry 1909, p. 78, Dijkstra 1995a, pp. 99-100). It may be worth observing that in those same years a clerc Renaut wrote a Vie de sainte-Geneviève, a poem in octosyllabic rhyming couplets, for a dame de Valois, identified by Bohm 1955 with Eleonor of Vermandois, countess of Saint-Quentin, for whom Philip Augustus, through the treaty of Boves in 1185, had reserved the title of lady of Valois which she retained until her death in 1214 (see also Di Quero 1832, pp. 250-51).