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seminar: Prof. Manon Parry (University of Amsterdam) 'Reproducing Bodies: Pregnancy, Contraception and Abortion in Museums'

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Location: R0.14 Ramphal building, University of Warwick

Presentation, discussion and refreshments. All are welcome.

Prof. Dr. Manon S. Parry is Professor of Medical History at the Vrije Universiteit, and Senior Lecturer, American Studies and Public History, University of Amsterdam


While “babies in bottles” are a common, if sometimes controversial, element in medical museum collections and exhibitions, the material culture of abortion and contraception is unevenly preserved and displayed. Drawing on a book project on the social relevance of European medical museums, this presentation addresses the collection and exhibition of the history of reproduction and the narrow narrative frameworks used when exhibiting the history of women’s reproductive health.

Tags: seminar

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