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Crafts Lecture 2023

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Location: Scarman House Conference Centre And online streamed via Zoom link

The Rise of the Chinese Communist party

Professor James Kung(HKU)

How did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rise from a small reading group developed to spread Marxism among students and industrial workers to the world's second largest political party?

Join Professor James Kung to explore the development of the CCP during the Sino–Japanese war (c.1937–45). He will reveal how the party rose to prominence during this period by taking advantage of militarily weaker 'puppet troops', building more grassroots party organisations inside occupied areas and taking advantage of the strong nationalist sentiment spurred by war.

James Kai-Sing Kung is Sein and Isaac R Souede Professor in Economic History at the Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong (HKU).


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