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Composite calendar

This is a composite calendar page template pulling in feeds from events calendars in department and research centre sites. It is purely used as a tool to collect the event details before filtering through to a publicly-visible calendar filter page template. To remove or add a feed to this composite calendar, please contact the IT Services Web Team (webteam at warwick dot ac dot uk).

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Select tags to filter on
Tue, Mar 04 Today Thu, Mar 06 Jump to any date

How do I use this calendar?

You can click on an event to display further information about it.

The toolbar above the calendar has buttons to view different events. Use the left and right arrow icons to view events in the past and future. The button inbetween returns you to today's view. The button to the right of this shows a mini-calendar to let you quickly jump to any date.

The dropdown box on the right allows you to see a different view of the calendar, such as an agenda or a termly view.

If this calendar has tags, you can use the labelled checkboxes at the top of the page to select just the tags you wish to view, and then click "Show selected". The calendar will be redisplayed with just the events related to these tags, making it easier to find what you're looking for.

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Arts Undergraduate Module Fair

The Arts Faculty is holding a UG elective choice module fair on Wednesday 5th March 2025 in the FAB on the ground floor and on the mezzanine.

The fair is aimed at first year and second year UG students choosing their elective modules for the following year.

Also at the fair will be representatives from a range of University student opportunity providers for all to find out about.

Ahead of the Fair, please see below the elective module information from the various Departments and Disciplines that will attend the fair.

We look forward to seeing you at the Faculty of Arts Module Fair on the 5th March!

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History Research seminar
PS1.28 Physical Sciences
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French Research Seminar: Louise Kari Méreau (University College Cork/Trinity College Dublin)
Online via Teams
Louise Kari Méreau (University College Cork/Trinity College Dublin), 'Cynisme et féminisme, une nécessaire convergence autofictionnelle ?'

Dans un monde en perpétuelle mutation, le cynisme et le féminisme émergent comme deux forces réflexives puissantes qui interrogent les normes sociales et les constructions identitaires. Cette présentation propose d'explorer la rencontre entre ces deux courants de pensée, en s'intéressant particulièrement à la dimension autofictionnelle qui leur est intrinsèque, notamment dans les romans d’autrices contemporaines. À travers une analyse de textes littéraires et théoriques de Virginie Despentes, Christine Angot et Camille Laurens, j'examinerai comment le cynisme, souvent perçu comme un antidote au désenchantement depuis le 19eme siècle, peut enrichir le discours féministe en offrant une perspective critique sur les injustices systémiques. Cela me permettra d'ouvrir le débat sur la manière dont l'autofiction, grâce au mordant du cynisme, permet aux voix féminines de s'exprimer, en faisant du récit personnel une critique sociale.

Louise Kari Méreau is a lecturer of French at the University of Cork and a visiting research fellow in Trinity College Dublin where she did her PhD. Her doctoral research, funded by the Claude and Vincenette Pichois Award, focused on cynicism in the novels of Frederic Beigbeder and Virginie Despentes (1990-2010). She is working on the publication of her first monograph and continues to explore cynicism and autofiction in contemporary French novels.

This seminar will take place on Microsoft Teams, 6-7.30pm UK time. Click here to join.
