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EUTOPIA Languages Week 2023, Language Taster sessions

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Location: Faculty of Arts Building (FAB), University of Warwick Campus

We currently offer 10 different languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

You can take language modules as part of your degree or alongside your degree.

There are many reasons and ways to learn a language.

Maybe you studied a language at school, and you want to continue learning it to keep up your skills or for employment after your degree. Maybe you’re returning to study or starting postgraduate studies and want to take up the rare opportunity of expanding your learning further.

Maybe you have never studied a language before and you are looking to pick up a language for a Year Abroad and to meet minimum proficiency to be considered for a study place in that language.

We have set up Taster Sessions in our 10 languages to help you choose a new language. Please sign up for one of our tasters.

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