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STVDIO Seminar Series

The STVDIO series of research seminars promotes the collaborative, interdisciplinary study of the Renaissance in the UK and internationally, and aims to showcase the rich variety of work that is done on Renaissance topics, both at Warwick and beyond.

Most seminars will be in hybrid format this year, in person at the University of Warwick, on Tuesdays at 17:00 (UK time) unless otherwise specified below, and online circa 5.05pm (set-up time). The link for accessing the seminars will be provided on this page.

If you have any queries, please contact this year's organisers:

Cecilia Sideri and Maria Czepiel

Autumn 2024, Term 1

Ingrid de Smet, University of Warwick, Ac tu, bibliotheca, iam valeto’: Concepts of Libraries and Book-Collecting in Neo-Latin Poetry from the Renaissance to the late Seventeenth Century. Week 2, 8 October 2024, 5:00pm in room FAB2.32. To attend the seminar online please register at this link.

Joint EMECC / CSR STVDIO event with Angela McShane, Investigating empowerment and song via the prizewinning 100 Ballads Website ( Week 2, Thursday 10 October 1-2pm, with pre-talk lunch provided at 12.30pm. This is an in-person only event in room OC0.05 (Oculus Building).

Gary Watt, University of Warwick, Poetic Conjuration: Shakespeare’s Legal Rhetoric. Week 5, 29 October 2024, 5:00pm in room FAB2.32. To attend the seminar online please register at this link.

Craig Martin, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Averroes among the Paduan Physicians, 1540-1600. Week 9, 26 November 2024, 5:00pm in room FAB2.32. To attend the seminar online please register at this link.

Spring 2025, Term 2

Cecilia Sideri, University of Warwick, Roberto Valturio and his De re militari: Manuscript Circulation, Authorial Control and Autography in Renaissance Italy, Week 2, 14 January 2025, 5:00pm in room FAB2.43. To attend the seminar online please register at this link.

Michael Michael, University of Glasgow, Images Associated with the Office of the Dead in English Manuscripts of the 13th-14th Centuries, Week 7, 18 February 2025, 5:00pm in room S0.08. To attend the seminar online please register at this link.

Ben Griffiths, University of Birmingham, "Portada", "preliminares" and profit: the misleading editorial strategies of seventeenth-century printer-booksellers of exemplary short fiction (ESF), Week 9, 4 March 2025, 5:00pm in room OC1.06. To attend the seminar online please register at this linkLink opens in a new window.

Summer 2025, Term 3 

Samuel Agbamu, University of Reading, Petrarch’s ‘Africa’: the dream of renovatio imperii, Week 2, 29 April 2025, 5:00pm in room FAB2.32

Daniele Conti, University of Cassino and of Southern Lazio, Pico della Mirandola's Conclusiones nongentae: textual and interpretative issues, Week 3, 6 May 2025, 5:00pm in room FAB2.32. This will be an in-person event only.

Felicita Tramontana, Università La Sapienza, Rome, Week 4, 13 May 2025, 5:00pm (title TBC) in room FAB2.32

Vittoria Fallanca, University of Warwick, Love Will Tear Us Apart: Erotic Misreading and Amorous Misery in the Anterotic Tradition, Week 9, 17 June 2025, 5:00pm

in room FAB2.32

STVDIO Seminars are kindly sponsored by the Humanities Research Centre @HRCWarwick

and the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance @renwarwick

Archive of past talks