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16 Mar 2017

Amanda Sciampacone will present a paper on "Dirty Father Thames" at Water conference.

Amanda will be presenting a paper entitled "Dirty Father Thames" and the Microscopic Grotesque: Cholera and Water after John Snow at the Northern Nineteenth-Century Network's Water Conference at Leeds Trinity University next month.

16 Mar 2017

Congratulations to Carlo Avilio who has successfully passed his viva this week.

Carlo and MichaelWe are pleased to announce that Carlo Avilio has passed his viva voce examination for his dissertation on the subject of Naturalism and the Picaresque in Jusepe de Ribera's Work supervised by Dr Lorenzo Pericolo. The photograph shows Carlo with internal examiner Professor Michael Hatt.

06 Mar 2017

PhD candidate Carlo Avilio consulted for BBC Worldwide 'Culture' article.

Is this the world's most macabre art gallery?

History of Art Department research student Carlo Avilio is quoted in an online article about the series of frescoes in the catacombs of San Gaudioso in Naples. The article concerns in particular the costumed skeletons which were painted around the skulls of interred nobles embedded in the walls.

05 Mar 2017

Dr Amanda Sciampacone has contributed to a workshop on applying for research grants.

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow Amanda Sciampacone was invited to speak about applying for the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship in a workshop on Research Grants held at the School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London. The event took place on March 1st.

27 Feb 2017

Splendour! Exhibition catalogue edited by History of Art PhD student.

Splendour! Art in Living Craftsmanship.

Exhibition catalogueThis exhibition celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the Georgian Group. Founded in 1937, the Group is a national charity dedicated to preserving Georgian buildings, gardens and landscapes between 1700-1840 in England and Wales. The exhibition featured over forty artists, craftsmen and architects who work in the Georgian classical tradition. Works on display included examples of pietra dure, scagliola, coade stone, stucco work, wood and stone carving, painted wallpapers and architects drawings.


CoverThe catalogue was edited by History of Art PhD student Adam Busiakiewicz, who wrote all of the catalogue entries and contributed an essay to the publication.

Adam is especially interested in the history and former collection of the Earls of Warwick and their ancestral home Warwick Castle. His research focuses on the life of Anne Greville, 4th Countess of Warwick, who presided over the restoration of the castle in the late nineteenth century.

27 Feb 2017

Carlo Avilio invited to deliver paper at international conference on Neapolitan art.

Carlo Avilio at conferenceHistory of Art PhD student Carlo Avilio recently delivered his paper Portents of Nature: Jusepe de Ribera and the Bearded Woman at the conference Laboratorium Neapel. Plurale Stilbildung, Künstlerkonkurrenz und Wirkungsästhetik in der neapolitanischen Barockmalerei. The conference was held at Museum Wiesbaden to coincide with the major exhibition Caravaggio’s Heirs. Baroque in Naples.

The photograph shows Carlo with Elisabeth Oy-Marra, professor in history of art at Mainz University, co-organizer of the exhibition and conference.

17 Feb 2017

Professor Paul Smith to give Courtauld Institute Conservation & Technology Research Seminar.

Painting with colour wheelGoing round in circles: a problem for colour theory.

Since the early eighteenth century, painters have used the colour wheel, and related diagrams, to predict how colours will mix, to organise them in graduated sequences and contrasting pairs, and to arrange them in harmonious combinations. Artists, along with scientists and philosophers, have also used colour diagrams to set out the relations possible between colours, or the full variety colour can assume. But, although such diagrams are powerful heuristic and logical tools, they embody some significant misconceptions, and create a good deal of confusion, about colour. Drawing on arguments put forward by the philosopher, Wittgenstein, this paper will examine how they fudge or misrepresent the phenomenology, categorisation, and ‘space’ of colour – and the consequences of their doing so for art.

Open to all, free admission.

Thursday 23rd February 2017

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Research Forum Seminar Room, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London, WC2R 0RN

14 Feb 2017

PhD student Charlotte Stokes has written a label for work displayed in The Oculus.

Staff and students were recently offered an opportunity to introduce their teaching and research to a wider audience by contributing labels for works of art in the new Oculus building. Charlotte has selected the screen print Constable Willow 2 by Andrew Carter, drawing a comparison between the approach of Leon Underwood, the subject of her research, and that of Carter, mentioning in particular, Underwood’s work on trees while serving with Royal Engineers Camouflage Division during World War One.

26 Nov 2016

Warwick in Venice Annual Conference 2016

This year's celebrated Warwick in Venice conference will take place next Tuesday, 29th November 2016, at the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava.
17 Nov 2016

Warwick in Venice research seminar at Palazzo Pesaro Papafava

Professor Juliet Simpson, Coventry University - Venice-Bruges: Art Capitals of the Uncanny.
21 Oct 2016

Prof Tracy E. Cooper to give Venice distinguished lecture

Professor Tracy E. Cooper (Temple University, Philadelphia) to deliver lecture on The Last Dogaressa: Material Presence, Gender, and Elite Identity in Early Modern Venice.

24 Sep 2016

The Stained-Glass of Margaret Agnes Rope - Shrewsbury Cathedral

Dr Claire FitzGerald will give a talk today on the early twentieth-century stained-glass artist Margaret Rope. It will take place at Shrewsbury RC Cathedral at 2pm in front of some of Margaret's greatest works. The lecture is one of the activities complementing the Margaret Rope ‘Untold Story’ exhibtion at the Shrewsbury Art Gallery.

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