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Past Speakers (since 2020)

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12 May 2022

Research Excellence Framework 2021

100% of our research is "world-leading" or "internationally excellent"

21 Sept 2020

Danielle Stewart joins the department

Dr Danielle Stewart, specialist in Modern and Contemporary art and architecture across Latin America, joins the department.

08 Jan 2020

Presentation of Prof. Lorenzo Pericolo's Guido Reni Volumes in Bologna

New translated Volumes of Malvasia's Life of Guido Reni edited by Professor Lorenzo Pericolo will be presented at the Pinacotena Nazionale Bologna on 21st January 2020.

These volumes arise from a radical re-discussion of historical sources and a deep exploration of the theoretical principles of Malvasia. Illustrated with numerous colour images, and a monographic essay by Lorenzo Pericolo. 

25 Mar 2019

International conference at Kensington Palace co-organized by Professor Hatt.

Victoria’s Self-Fashioning: Curating Royal Image for Dynasty, Nation and Empire.

Kensington Palace, 20-21 May 2019

Co-organized by Historic Royal Palaces and the University of Warwick, in partnership with the Royal Collection Trust, the Bodleian Library, the University of Oxford and the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, to mark the bicentenary of Queen Victoria’s birth.

04 Mar 2019

Dr Otto Saumarez Smith has edited Oxford DNB February Update.

Dr Otto Saumarez Smith has been an advisory editor and key contributor for the February Update of the Oxford Dictionary of National Bibliography. This update has a focus on planners responsible for the redevelopment of Britain’s cities in the years after 1945. The subjects include three of Coventry’s town planners and designers: Sir Wilfred Burns, Percy Edwin Alan Johnson-Marshall, and Frederick Bernard Pooley.


10 Dec 2018

Participation in Ribero International Study Day at Dulwich Picture Gallery.

Professor Lorenzo Pericolo and Dr Carlo Avilio are taking part in an international study day at the Dulwich Picture Gallery - Ribera’s Art of Violence: New Intersections and Interventions. The event relates to the exhibition Ribera: Art of Violence (26 September 2018 – 27 January 2019), and comprises academic and public sessions.

28 Oct 2018

Film by Josefine Baark - ‘The Mystery of the Chinese Mechanism’.

Leverhulme Post Doctoral Fellow, Josefine Baark, has produced a documentary film, entitled ‘The Mystery of the Chinese Mechanism’ (Det Kinesiske Urværks Hemmeligheder) in collaboration with Christian Laursen Film.

05 Jan 2018

ITV film featuring interviews with Lorenzo Pericolo and Giorgio Tagliaferro

Don't miss Canaletto & the Art of Venice, which opened the major ITV series Great Art.

03 May 2017

Dr Rosie Dias participates in major British Library research project.

Rosie Dias has contributed to the British Library’s research project, Picturing Places, recently published as a web-based resource exploring the Library’s vast topographical collections. Her two articles, “Recording and Representing India: The East India Company’s Landscape Practices” and “A Map of Kolkata in 1785” draw upon her current research on the East India Company and visual culture, and focus upon works in the British Library’s India Office Collection and King’s Topographical Collection.

15 Apr 2017

Dr Jenny Alexander interviewed on local radio in Burgundy. Listen to France Bleu Auxerre!

Dr.Jenny Alexander (Warwick) and project partner Professor Terryl Kinder (Pontigny) have taken a break from their fieldwork at Pontigny Abbey church to give an interview to local radio station France Bleu Auxerre. The team are continuing their study of masons' marks at this Cistercian building, a project which is providing valuable information about the history of the building as well as exploring a significant new method of research.

06 Mar 2017

PhD candidate Carlo Avilio consulted for BBC Worldwide 'Culture' article.

Is this the world's most macabre art gallery?

History of Art Department research student Carlo Avilio is quoted in an online article about the series of frescoes in the catacombs of San Gaudioso in Naples. The article concerns in particular the costumed skeletons which were painted around the skulls of interred nobles embedded in the walls.

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