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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

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Research Impact Workshops, SCAPVC with Tom Cornford
Studio 1 (0.19)


Research Impact Workshops, SCAPVC with Tom Cornford

30 Nov, 12-16.00, FAB studio 0.19


Tom Cornford is Reader in Politics and Performance at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, where he is Head of the Research Degrees Programme and Academic Lead for Impact. He also leads Central’s AHRC Impact Acceleration Account (2022-25) and he has run a number of workshops for various organisations on planning and developing impact.


12.00-13.30: How to Generate Impact from your Research (90 mins) 

This workshop will introduce researchers at all career stages to impact in terms of its definition and assessment, and ways in which impact generation can be conceptualised and planned. It will begin with a short presentation and discussion to establish some basic vocabulary relating to impact and its difference from research and public engagement. This will be followed by some practical activities to enable researchers to think about how to identify opportunities for public engagement and impact in their research, and to maximise potential impact by effective planning and evidence gathering. 


13.30 - lunch (30 mins)  


14.00-16.00: How to Maximise and Effectively Evidence and Narrate Research Impact (2 hrs) 

This session will build on the previous workshop, focusing on researchers already engaged in impact generation. The focus will be on identifying successful strategies for maximising, evidencing and narrating impact. We will discuss effective strategies to support and resource impact generation and analyse some examples of the evidence base and narration of impact projects to consider how to maximise both the impact of your projects and their chances of scoring highly in research assessment exercises. 
