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Eamonn McKeon

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Biography and Research

Eamonn McKeon is a writer enrolled on the Literary Practice PhD at the University of Warwick. His creative project will comprise a collection of short stories; his critical project will concern the presentation of ‘reality’ in the works of Raymond Carver, Tobias Wolff, and James Purdy.

He won the 2023 Creative Writing Ink Short Story Competition, the Cygnature Prize in the 2021 Bedford Short Story Competition, and was shortlisted for the 2021 Creative Future Writers’ Award. He was also longlisted for the 2022 Hastings Book Festival Short Story Prize. His short stories have appeared in The Writing QuarterlyReckon Review, Bandit FictionPersonal Bests JournalEmpyrean Literary Magazine, and Otherverse Magazine.

He has run an optional Term 3 MA Workshop titled “An Introduction to the Short Story”. He also works as a private tutor, delivering online English and Creative Writing lessons to young people living in England, Hong Kong, and elsewhere