- Gray, H., Dolan, C. (2022) “Disrupting peace at home”? Narrating connections between sexual violence perpetrated by armed men and intimate partner violence in (post-)conflict settings. International Feminist Journal of Politics. DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2022.2050933
- Familiar, I., Muniina, P.N., Dolan, C. et al. (2021) Conflict-related violence and mental health among self-settled Democratic Republic of Congo female refugees in Kampala, Uganda – a respondent driven sampling survey. Conflict & Health 15, 42.
- Dolan C (2020) ‘While the nexus is obvious, its recognition, documentation and tackling are not.’ In The Nexus between Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence is Obvious’: Views of the Editorial Board, Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, vol. 1, nr. 1, 5-23
- Dolan C, Eriksson-Baaz M & Stern M (2020) What is sexual about conflict-related sexual violence? Stories from men and women survivors, International Affairs 96: 5 (2020) 1151–1168; doi: 10.1093/ia/iiaa095
- Gray H, Stern M & Dolan C (2019) Torture and sexual violence in war and conflict: The unmaking and remaking of subjects of violence, Review of International Studies
- Dolan C (2019) The helpfulness of Imposing Aid: a tribute from the Refugee Law Project, Forced Migration Review 61
- Edström J & Dolan C (2018) Breaking the Spell of Silence: Collective Healing as Activism amongst Refugee Male Survivors of Sexual Violence in Uganda, Journal of Refugee Studies
- Dolan C (2017) HIDDEN REALITIES Screening for Experiences of Violence amongst War-Affected South Sudanese Refugees in northern Uganda, Refugee Law Project Working Paper 25
- Dolan C (2017) Inclusive gender: Why tackling gender hierarchies cannot be at the expense of human rights and the humanitarian imperative, International Review of the Red Cross
- Dolan et al. (2016) Engaged Excellence or Excellent Engagement? Collaborating Critically to Amplify the Voices of Male Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, IDS Bulletin 47:6, pp 37-54
- Dolan C (2015) Addressing Sexual Violence against Men and Boys, guest editorial for RCRC (Red Cross Red Crescent), Issue 2 2015
- Dolan C (2015) Letting go of the gender binary: Charting new pathways for humanitarian interventions on gender-based violence, International Review of the Red Cross (May-2015)
- Dolan C (2014) Has Patriarchy been Stealing the Feminists’ Clothes? Conflict-Related Sexual Violence & Security Council Resolutions, IDS Bulletin 45: 1, pp 80-84
- Edström, J., Das, A. and Dolan, C. (2014) Undressing Patriarchy: Men & Structural Violence, IDS Bulletin 45.1, Institute of Development Studies
- Dolan C (2012) ICRC World Disasters Report 2012, Box 3.5, p99, Persecution and Forced Migration in relation to Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity, June 2012
- Dolan C (2010) War is not yet over: Community perceptions of sexual violence in the eastern DRC , published by International Alert
- Refstie H, Dolan C, Okello, M.C (2010), Urban IDPs in Uganda: victims of institutional convenience, FMR 2010, No. 34.
- Dolan C (2004) Reconciliation with Justice? The East Timor Experiment in Transitional Justice & Reconciliation, Working Paper, International IDEA, Stockholm, March 04 (presented at meeting of Heads of Field Presences at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, 23 November 2004)
- El Bushra J, Dolan C (2002) “Don’t Touch, Just Listen! Popular Performance from Uganda”, Review of African Political Economy, 29 (91): 37-52
- Dolan, C (2002) In whose best interests? The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, Journal of Conflict, Security and Development, 2:2, Centre for Defence Studies, King’s College, London
- Dolan C (2002) ‘Which Children Count? The politics of children’s rights in northern Uganda’, in ACCORD An international Review of Peace Initiatives, Issue 11
- Dolan C (1998), ‘Principled aid in an unprincipled world’, Development in Practice, Vol. 8 – Number 3
- Dolan C, Tollman S, Nkuna V, Gear J G (1997), 'The links between legal status and environmental health: A case study of Mozambican Refugees and their Hosts in the Mpumalanga lowveld, South Africa' International Journal of Health and Human Rights, Harvard, Vol. 2 No. 2, 62-84
- Dolan C & Reitzes M, 'The Insider Story? Press coverage of Illegal Immigrants and Refugees in South Africa, April 1994 - September 1995' Centre for Policy Studies Social Policy Series: Research Report no 48, April 1996 (First presented at Media workshop held in conjunction with the Centre for Policy Studies, Johannesburg, 6 December 1995)
- Dolan C, 'Aliens Aboard: Mozambicans in the New South Africa’ Indicator South Africa, Vol 12 No 3, Winter 1995 (First presented at: Workshop on Regional Migration, Domestic & Foreign Policy Issues, Centre for Policy Studies, Johannesburg, April 1995)
- Dolan C, Concha M, Nyathi E, 'Community Rehabilitation Workers: Do they offer hope to the disabled in South Africa's rural areas?' International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 18 (3), 187-200 (1995)
- Dolan C, 'Communities in Transition: representation and accountability' Critical Health, No. 42, April 1993, Johannesburg
- Dolan C, Establishing Priorities for Advocacy in South African Health, Progress (Kaiser Foundation Journal), Winter 1993 p.21-32