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GSD Dissemination Event 2024

This event showcases GSD Finalists' research projects as part of their Dissertation module.

Finalists may access guidance on their 'Dissemination' assessment on MoodleLink opens in a new window

IMPORTANT: We invite all speakers and guests to respect each other. Anyone causing disruption will be asked to leave. Be reminded that presentations are assessed, so please put your phone on silent or turn it off before entering a session. You are welcome to ask questions at the end of every presentation (Q&A is not assessed).

In short:

1-1:50: Networking Session

2-3:30 Spoken presentation Session 1 (afternoon)

3:45-5 Spoken presentation Session 2 (afternoon)

Register for the event

A registration form is available hereLink opens in a new window and will close when we reach capacity (GSD Finalists DO NOT need to register).

Networking session

1-1:50PM, Ramphal Foyer

This session is an opportunity for GSD Finalists and other attendees to network. We have invited external stakeholders, including alumni and employers, as well as Warwick colleagues from our partner departments. You may find below information on our guests, make the most of this opportunity to chat with them. We will keep updating this page in the next days.


GSD Alumni team

Igne Borisaite

2022 Graduate in Politics, International Studies, and GSD

I am a Consultant at GoodCorporation, a business ethics consultancy in London that supports clients across a wide range of topics such as human rights, anti-corruption and sustainability. Having grown up internationally, I appreciate working at a small company where I have the opportunity to conduct on-site business ethics assessments all over the world, continue taking language lessons and work as one team with colleagues in our Paris office.

Ask Igne about:

  • Working as a (business ethics) consultant
  • Working at a small company
  • The transition from GSD to the private sector

GSD Alumni team

Liam Shah

2019 Graduate in Economic Studies and GSD

I'm a Senior Research Manager at Ecorys UK, specialising in qualitative and quantitative research and complexity-responsive evaluation in international development. As an evaluator, Liam examines complex programmes, policies and interventions funded by the UK Government, Multilateral Agencies (e.g., World Bank), and Trusts and Foundations to determine what is working (or not), how, why, for whom and in what circumstances change happens, and inform future policy and practice. He has applied experience in several areas of global sustainable development, including biodiversity conservation and the illegal wildlife trade, climate resilience, sustainable cities and green infrastructure, education, global health, and development finance.

Ask Liam about:

- Tips for interviews and group exercises

- The benefits of postgraduate study

- Research jobs

- Working as a consultant

- Working in international development


GSD Alumni team

Akshaya Shekaran

2021 Graduate in GSD Single Honours

Hi! I’m Akshaya and I studied GSD Single Honours, graduating in 2021. After graduation, I joined the ‘Charityworks’ Graduate Scheme and was placed with a role in sustainability for a social housing association called settle. In January this year, I started a project delivery role within the Trees, Woodlands and Forestry Team at Defra (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Ask Akshaya about:

  • Tips for interviews/ job applications
  • Tips for making the most of graduate-entry roles
  • Working in the public sector (civil service)
  • Working for a charity (social housing association)

Find out information about our MASc in Global Sustainable Development

Our Postgraduate Programmes' Manager, Heather Robson, will be available to answer any questions you may have on our postgraduate programmes.


Globus team

Globus is a student-run online magazine that regularly publishes articles on sustainability-related topics.

We will be available to discuss with GSD Finalists the steps for publication of your dissemination.



by GSD Finalist Anastasia Ashchepkova:

‘Integration of biomimetic technologies into sustainable retrofit: how nature can save the built environment’

Spoken Presentation Sessions

Presentations will take place in 7 different rooms. You'll find a detailed programme at the entrance of Ramphal Foyer. In each room, you will be able to hear from 3 finalists working on the intersection between Gl the following topics.

Afternoon session 1 (2-3:30)

You will be able to attend only ONE panel (a group of 3 speakers) of the following:

- women

- young people

- water and conservation

- sport and tourism

- migrants and refugees

- identity

- climate change

Afternoon session 2 (3:45-5)

You will be able to attend only ONE panel (a group of 3 speakers) of the following:

- behaviour

- culture and pluralism

- health

- inequalities

- green economy

- green finance

- food