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GSD student and GLOBUS Editor-in-Chief speaking at event 'A Wilder Future: The Need for a Strong Environment Act' (Thursday 9th May at 6pm)

Come along to an insightful Wilder Future evening and find out what you can do to help to achieve nature's recovery. Hear from leading conservationists, academics and our GSD student and GLOBUS Editor-in-Chief Todd Olive!

Further information on the event (organised by a partnership between Warwick University, Coventry University, the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and the NUS) available here. Keynote speakers include Sir John Lawton and Baroness Parminter.

The event takes place on Thursday 9th May in the Oculus Building (OC1.05). Doors open at 6pm (event starts at 6:45pm).

Tickets are free, but booking is required.


[Photo credit: David Tipling 2020 Vision].

Tue 07 May 2019, 10:53 | Tags: GSD Student stories Global Sustainable Development