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Event: "Les Raconteuses du Levant — untold stories of Female Hakawatis and the challenges they pose to sustainable development discourse in the Arabic-speaking world", Cathia Jenainati (Wednesday 29th May at 4pm)

You are all invited to the following seminar:

Wednesday 29th May at 4pm in R3.41 (Ramphal Building)

Speaker: Professor Cathia Jenainati

Title: Les Raconteuses du Levant untold stories of Female Hakawatis and the challenges they pose to sustainable development discourse in the Arabic-speaking world

Abstract: "My story I’ve told it, and in your heart I’ve stored it. Tell my story, repeat its detail but whatever you do protect my reputation and my family’s honour". I have been collecting stories by talking to women in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan for the past 20 years. I have done this in various roles and for different purposes. The stories have shaped my understanding of the challenges facing some parts of the Arabic-speaking world and they have taught me the reality of life as a woman in an ever-changing, constantly “modernising” and increasingly unforgiving environment. In this talk, I hope to share with you some of these stories and to reflect on the challenges they pose to sustainable development discourse in this part of the world.

Professor Cathia Jenainati is a multidisciplinary academic whose teaching and research interests range from Literature to Enviromental Studies. She has a background in science, having completed a Biology undergradaute degree and studied medical sciences until her passion for undertaking research into the perceptions of health and illness amongst various native tribes diverted her away from practicing medicine and into academic research.
Professor Jenainati completed a BA in English and went on to earn an MA and PhD in Comparative Literary Studies. The Comparative side of her studies is evident in her approach to teaching and research. She has developed a unique approach to course design which combines Problem-based learning with interdisciplinary teaching, enabling students to achieve depth of knowledge and breadth of perspective.
