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University takes a fresh look at tackling urgent global challenges

On Wednesday 23 October 2019, an event was held to celebrate the University’s relaunched Global Research Priorities (GRPs) programme. At the heart of the refreshed programme is the use of collaborative, interdisciplinary research to address urgent global challenges.

The review of the programme, which received contributions from academic staff and postgraduate research students, looked closely at how the GRPs programme can support the University’s research going forward and align it to challenges of global significance.

The GRPs in the new programme are:

Behaviour, Brain & Society

Looking at how people live, why they make decisions and the impact this has on societies.

Connecting Cultures

Using culture as a lens to understand ourselves, others and our interconnected world to enact change.

Cyber Security

Contributing to the better security of society, business and government by considering how we can protect ourselves in online spaces, today and in the future.


Encompassing all areas of energy-related research at Warwick, using our campus as a “living lab” to put research into practice.


Encompassing all health-related research at Warwick, including biomedical engineering and biotechnology, anti-microbial resistance, mental health, artificial intelligence, digital health, global health and data.

Innovative Manufacturing & Future Materials

Researching materials and the manufacturing processes used to transform them, thinking about both the science and the real-world impacts involved.

Sustainable Cities

Addressing the challenges of sustainable urban development through research, ensuring our cities continue to meet our needs without compromising our environment.

Our Global Sustainable Development courses engage with the cross-departmental research fostered by the GRPs programme, allowing our students to interact and collaborate with academics from different disciplines as well as third parties such as policymakers, cultural and creative organisations, charities, public sector stakeholders and industry. This is an exciting time for our students, with the programme expanding to ensure that we can tackle today’s challenging global concerns by working together innovatively. To find out more about our engagement with the programme, see here.

Looking forward, a number of additional GRPs are also in the final stages of development and approval, which the University hopes to launch shortly. Please see this page to keep up to date with further details about the new GRPs programme.

Upcoming Events

Sustainable Cities GRP

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Cyber Security GRP

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Innovative Manufacturing & Future Materials GRP

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Health GRP

Please see here for upcoming events.

Behaviour, Brain & Society GRP

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Connecting Cultures GRP

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Energy GRP