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Updates from GLOBUS

2018 has been a groundbreaking year for GLOBUS, the School for Cross-Faculty Studies’ partner online publication, run by our students. We are proud to share some numbers that we have received from the GLOBUS team:


"- In 2018, GLOBUS published articles amounting to more than half the length of the average PhD dissertation (41,517 words, to be precise!), spread across thirty-five articles that have reached audiences in nearly two-thirds of the world’s nations (125 of 195!).

- 20% of the year’s publications involved, one way or another, collaboration (or direct writing from!) with staff from Global Sustainable Development and Liberal Arts.

- GLOBUS now counts thirty dedicated members spread across every single Faculty of the university, with new members being added every week.

- GLOBUS has exceeded targets on all fronts, moving from the start of 2019 to a regular, thrice-weekly publishing process, with expansion to four a medium-term target well on the way to being bet.

- In 2019, GLOBUS is targeting further expansion of its teams and more ambitious collaborations with other societies and groups at the university – starting with the university-wide ‘PROJECT: Climate Emergency’ being run in collaboration with the Climate Reality Campus Corps and GSD Society, which launched on 13th January.

- In the slightly longer term, plans are in the works for a simulated Conference of Parties climate negotiation (the ‘Warwick Climate Negotiating Forum’) open to all Warwick students in term one of next academic year."

For further information, please get in touch with the team at – they’d love to hear from you!


Left to Right: Gaganasree Priyanvrathan, Digital Editor; Max Edgson, Marketing Editor; Alicia Siddons, Commissioning Editor; Todd Olive, Editor-in-Chief; Lucy Jordan, Assistant Editor