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Transcript: September 2022 Open Day Overview Session

Romain Chenet, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of Admissions >> Thank you so much for joining us at this Overview Session for Global sustainable development at the University of Warwick. We'll start in just a moment. I want to share some brief information on today's session, it will be recorded, and it will be made available for other attendees to view afterwards. If you do post a comment in the Room Chat, please bear in mind that it will be seen by everyone who has access to the chat. If you want to post a question in the Q&A chat area, that will only come to us, as in staff, to be respectful and on topic. There are certain things we can answer and certain things we can't.  

If you would like to view the session or get a transcript of it in case my accent is a bit too much for the time of day that you're viewing this, you're very welcome to email the Open Days Team. Okay so I hope you all enjoyed the session, we will begin in a moment and just to introduce ourselves a little bit, I'm Romain, Director of Undergraduate Studies, also director of admissions which means that I look after the process for applications and I also lead our application review team so we will often get questions as to personal statements and so on for UCAS or whatever, feel free to ask those. I'll ask my co-presenters today to introduce themselves. Bodrun, please? 

Bodrun Nahar, Employability and Placement Manager >> So hi everyone I'm Bodrun Nahar and I'm the employability and placement manager for the GSD degree programme. I'll talk a little bit more about my role later as we go into the overview.  

Eszter, GSD student >> Hi everyone my name is Eszter and I'm a GSD student here at Warwick. I'm entering my final year now and I'm going to be helping with answering any student or degree-related questions that you have and talking a bit about societies, student life and such so any questions you have even when Romain is talking, just pop them into the chat and I'm going to try and answer them as we go along.  

Romain Chenet, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of Admissions >> Great, thank you both. So, a small team today but let’s just assume that we will be efficient as well. What I'm going to do in the presentation is I'll first give an overview of what GSD is, and what is global sustainable development, I will then speak a bit more specifically about our degrees, and the requirements for them in terms of entry requirements. I'll discuss elements of how we teach and how we assess this degree, which is seen as quite a positive aspect and quite a distinguishing factor as to why student applicants choose us. I will provide an overview the courses, and talk about student support, Bodrun will discuss professional development and Eszter will discuss student community. Okay so without further ado it feels like I've been sort of pre-empting the actual presentation for a few minutes now. Let's start with what Global sustainable development is.  

It is in many ways a compilation, a construct, it's also the expression of our global and somewhat united, although not always, vision for a better future, for a more sustainable, equal and many would argue, more progressive future as well. So, it brings together quite a lot of strands. The simplest way of explaining it, although it is oversimplified, is here (on the slide). If you think about global sustainable development as comprising social, environmental, and economic, right, there are three pillars of GSD that we like to use.  

Now of course being a sociologist myself, I view that all development is social fundamentally because that's how we make its meanings, but for the sake of brevity, we're working with this diagram. This approach is also then reflected in our course provision in the modules we teach and in the aims that come about through those modules. This definition, which you may have seen before stemmed in the 1980s but it's also very common today in modern policy and advocacy language, is the idea of meeting our needs today but also building in sustainability for future generations and of course, there is a theme of intergenerational justice and the safeguarding of our planet that does come into this.  

That was just a very quick history/background in terms of the degrees that we teach. You'll see here that there's a fair number of courses on the list (on the slide). Our flagship or key one which is developed and delivered mostly by the department is the single honours in GSD. The requirements for that are AAA, and we also have some particularly popular joint honours degrees, so the Economic Studies and the Business Studies degrees are both very popular.  

If you're interested in applying, please make sure you have a strong application and the entry requirements for those are also slightly higher this is because of the partner department's requirements are higher than ours so we reflect the Economics department and WBS’s entry requirements in the joint honours. And then it varies a bit, it's a similar approach for all the others, so some of our partner departments will have slightly lower entry requirements and you'll see them on the screen here. You're very welcome to ask questions about joint honours in the chat as the day progresses. I probably won't be able to get to them until a bit later but just keep asking questions. If you don't get an answer from Eszter or it's quite specific and I need to advise, that's totally fine.  

In terms of our teaching and assessment, we like to consider that we have a transdisciplinary approach. Now what does this mean? Is this just another buzzword? What it means in practice is that our teaching staff including myself are comprised of academics from many different disciplines. We do not approach our teaching and we do not consider student learning as discipline-specific.  

We are within to some extent development studies but similar to how our joint honours operate, we also have a lot of different types of expertise and backgrounds in the team, by which I mean Sociologists, Economists, Political Scientists, “Scientist” Scientists - as in Natural Science - and the list goes on. If you have a look at our web page and you look at our staff profiles, you'll see quite a large range of diversity in terms of the backgrounds and the research and teaching interests that we have and that is then reflected into the modules, as I'll show you soon.  

We use an approach to teaching which is problem-based and solution-focused. The idea here is that if you think about it in terms of case studies or focus areas, or thematic type focuses, to come to grips with key issues that are facing our world today, and key things that we need to try and get right to build a more sustainable future. Our teaching is research-led which has two meanings in the sense that it reflects our research interests but also that it reflects cutting-edge and highly relevant research priorities in the landscape that we operate within which is sustainable development.  

We like to view students as researchers and collaborators and we will invite students to be researchers from the very first year of the degree which in practice means that there is a module that starts building your research skills from the first year and I'll mention a bit more about that in terms of how we deliver this in practice. We do have lectures, but we tend to emphasise the importance of a small group seminar or workshop sessions where we will aim to have perhaps a maximum of 15 students whenever possible in each class and that would be the chance for you to build on lecture learning, what you've picked up from the lecture and focus in a bit more detail on specific topics.  

In terms of assessments, there's quite a range of assessment styles that we have. We will have perhaps more typical or straightforward ones like writing an essay or doing an exam, but what I will say is we don't have many exams in the department so that is something to bear in mind and to think about, particularly if you really like exams. Then, you need to think about how you'd be able to develop your skill set. We have a lot of written focused assignments, but we also have presentations which will be both individual and group-based. There are pros and cons to both of course, but there a lot of opportunities for you to start building your own professional and personal development in all parts of your degree, similar to what Bodrun will mention later.  

Just a quick note for joint honours students, it is a 50:50 split. You will spend half of your time in GSD modules and the other half with the partner department. It is an even split, so please bear that in mind. This is how it also then looks in terms of year one (on the slide) - welcome, you're here, you started! Our incoming students will be arriving in the next week, so this is kind of when we all start thinking about all these different modules. The key message here is that all our students will do the top four modules on the screen here, regardless of if you're single honours or joint honours, you will all be enrolled and expected to complete these modules.  

The economic, environmental, and social principles, you can see the theme continuing from earlier, and then also the research project which is the fourth one which is where students will be placed into groups of five students usually to complete a research project over the course of a term and to receive research skills training and so on. Like I said earlier, we do invite students to do research from your first year but of course, we understand that this requires a supportive and useful environment as well, so we do a lot of teaching linked to research skills and we offer a lot of support on building up your capacities in research. Then, depending on if you're a single honours student or a joint honours student (if you're joint honours it's a bit simpler), there'll be a list of modules to do in the partner department or some options from a list, so either you'll have to do certain ones or you'll have some choice involved but that does depend on and vary across the joint honours degrees.  

For single honours students, there's more flexibility which I think is worth mentioning. We do have some first-year optional modules from within the GSD Department, usually two or three a year. This also means though that we do invite and expect our students to seek out and complete modules in other departments that are of interest to them, and we work closely with most departments in Warwick and suggest modules for students that might be particularly relevant. One example here is if you've been studying a language and want to continue studying a language. As a single honours student you are usually able to do so by taking an optional module in the Languages Department, for instance.  

Moving on again, if you have any questions please do ask in the chat. So, this is just to give an example of what these modules look like. There is a further list on our website, and I do urge you to have a look at the website and the module descriptions there for a bit more detail because it's useful and it'll give you a much better view of it than just a quick overview here.  

As I said, I'm a Sociologist by background so one of my modules is the Social Principles of Global Sustainable Development. This is the first-year core module by which I mean all first-year students do it and the aim here is to consider the social and the political when we're talking about and thinking about sustainable development topics, priorities, and problems of course. The teaching delivery is closer to what you might think of when you imagine university. There will be a lecture which is just a general lecture for all the students in the large room, they're not too large but it's a larger room setting. But of course, we do try and have a more interactive lecture style so there will be opportunities to ask questions during those lectures anyway. But then as I said earlier, our focus will be on seminar learning which is when students are expected and encouraged to individually contribute and consider and work out their ideas on the topic. This is of course guided by us, and we will have seminar tutors that will support and build your understanding in the classes, and the group activity, this is kind of as little or as much as you want. There is a group presentation where you need to be in contact with your group to deliver it as part of your assessment, but then of course we find that our students are very social and communal so there'll be many opportunities for you to study and learn together and make new friends from around the world which is quite cool.  

There is some online collaboration, but we're not emphasising online teaching much, so I don't know if that's reassuring or not after a few years of Covid. And so, we do face-to-face learning which is one of our priorities so your lectures and your seminars will be in person. There are opportunities and then maybe the odd online session, but these are considered mostly to be only when absolutely relevant and the best approach, so the vast majority of everything will be in person.  

To give you an idea of the assessments, I've already mentioned that there's a group presentation for the Social Principles module. This is 25 per cent of your mark so it's not the biggest but it does count. There are also weekly quizzes for five weeks of the module, which is quite straightforward - you do the lecture, you do the reading, and then you take a quiz on what's in it. There are only five questions or so per quiz so it's not onerous. The final or main assignment for this module is the essay which is after the first term so it's a chance for you to focus on a specific topic that you have the most interest in developing your ideas about.  

Here are some example topics (on the slide), these are from the lists of questions that we keep updating every year. You're really considering the role of ideology, politics, how does that then shape how we consider the idea of sustainability and then the other question on inequality, so you'll see here that very social and practical themes are involved in how we do our assessments.  

Moving on, I’m losing my voice, this is cold weather! Okay, so congratulations, you passed the first year, pre-empting. In the second year, it's similar but also a bit different. If you're a single honours student you are required to take two of the modules on the top half of the screen, so either the Inequalities or the Health or the Food module, so two of these three. Then as a single honours student you will take some optional modules from within the department, or again, if you are interested in doing an external module by which I mean another department you're also able to do that. There’s quite a list of optional modules available also on our website so have a look and see if they interest you and if it's your kind of thing.  

For joint honours students, it's a bit more stratified, so you must do one of the core modules above (Inequalities/Health/Food), then choose some optional modules from the GSD Department and then whatever you need to do in the partner department. Sometimes it's quite specific, sometimes there is some flexibility on the partner department side, so have a look at our website for the joint honours degrees individually to learn a bit more about this.  

Then moving on, just again to give you an idea of the type of modules you'll do, the Food module (which is one I taught as well, not this year, but I have in the past), the idea here is that we know that there's a cost-of-living crisis in the UK for sure and globally. One of the notable factors in this is rising food prices, they just keep rising and we are at a point in time now where food is more expensive than it's ever been in history, which is quite staggering if you think about it, so we respond to these challenges.  

As I said we like to consider very practical and contemporary issues in our degree programmes and we teach food across both terms of the second year to consider the ideas of food security, and food sovereignty. This is an idea of say food independence, so not being reliant on external factors as much although it's hard in this day and age and also to consider sustainable ways of eating practices and social behaviours. We like to mix it up as well on this module so there'll be field trips, we'll screen films and so on, the treasure hunt etc. This module has changed since the years that I taught it last, but I always felt it was a very practical and future-facing type of module.  

Now congratulations, you've made it to your final year! The only core module that we have in GSD for all our students is a dissertation. Regardless of whether you're a single or joint honours student you will be based with GSD as your home department and your dissertation will be with us. Now, this doesn't mean that there's no variety in the types of projects that occur because as I said we have quite a diverse and broad range of potential interests among staff and this is also reflected in the student projects that we oversee and supervise.  

So for single honours students, you will do a dissertation with us, you'll also do optional modules in GSD but then you are again encouraged to consider external modules from other departments that you may be interested in completing in your final year. If you're a joint honours student again it's a bit more specific so you'll do the dissertation with us, some approved modules from GSD or other departments, and then you'll do what the other half of your joint honours requires you to.  

Here's the website link at the bottom of the screen which you'll find very easily if you search for it, we'll have the most up-to-date list of these and, as I mentioned we do invite students to when possible consider external modules from across the University. Here's the list (on the slide) of some types of themes that come up in other departments that are highly relevant to our focuses in GSD and you see this spans quite a wide range of topics and themes. There's also the Economics Department, they're not on this list, but they're very popular with our students. You'll see that there's quite a lot a variety available more so for single honour students, as I've been saying. 

Something that is very well received and we're really happy that we've been able to do more of this recently after years of Covid restrictions, we have a lot of international opportunities to study abroad in two different ways primarily. The first way is to study abroad which is integrated into your degree, so you won't take any longer to complete the degree because you'll be going abroad in your second year for terms two and three. This is with Monash University, they have two campuses that students go to from GSD which are Australia and Malaysia, so whichever is more intriguing to you. Just to note, this period of studying abroad does count towards your overall degree, we're not extending your degree at all, so you are expected to work hard if you want to do well. The idea is that there are GSD-relevant modules at Monash that you will take.  

If you think that that sounds fun but maybe a bit heavy going, then there's also the intercalated option which means that your course is extended by one year but then you also get a full year abroad so you will continue to be a Warwick student in terms of support. It doesn't count towards your degree. You do need to pass of course but it's a bit different in this regard because it doesn't count toward your overall degree. It is however recorded on your achievement report, so this is a longer option which is why it adds a year to your degree.  

There's information on this on our website if you're interested. We also have the Warwick International Intensive Study Programme, or we call it WIISP, which is quite a sweet name. This is another initiative that the University runs that will then attract and interest students from across the University. The idea of WIISP is that you will complete shorter but more intensive modules and one that we've had very recently, which is based in our department is the Venice module where students went to Venice for two weeks and did active learning classes, and learning on field trips and so on over a shorter period. These are generally in the late spring or some early summer and there's a range of different ones at the University, including the examples on the right of the screen - multilingualism, business etc. There's a lot of variety here and just to note that this is another element of the degrees that you can choose to do. In addition to what I've mentioned earlier and what I showed you earlier, this is another option that we give our students potentially. If you didn't want to do a full year abroad or even for two terms abroad, you can still consider doing these modules to have a shorter trip but also have that count towards your degree.  

When it comes to student support, we work hard to try and support our students whenever possible. You will have a dedicated point of contact within the department who is your personal tutor, who will be there to have regular meetings with discussions if you have any questions, things that you need to iron out in terms of your skills development or feedback on your assignments that you want more details about. You have a tutor who will be there with you hopefully for most or if not all of your degree.  

In addition to that, we have a unique supplementary role, Director of Student Experience, who leads student experience, questions, and events, to support and enable you to do the best that you can within the degree. What this also then involves is a skills development workshop. If you consider the kind of one-on-one things you need to do, you need to learn to do well at University - that isn't just the degree, but how to write an essay effectively, how to prepare for certain types of exams, how to do your referencing, how to work with others, a lot of the things that might get glossed over but that we take an active lead on developing student skills for. That is across the degree, so from the first year into the second year into the third year, these are integrated into our degrees, they're not part of your credits in terms of there's no assignment linked to them, but they are highly encouraged and available to all our students.  

Another quick point here is that we also have a Student-Staff Liaison Committee, so they're very actively engaged, and this is essentially a committee comprised of students on our degrees who feedback ideas, input questions from the student body to us on the staff side and we work very closely with the committee on developing new initiatives, new opportunities and resolve issues. This has been running strong since the beginning of our department which is six years ago and every year we get new committee members who are passionate and engaged in continuing to develop this degree in positive ways.  

As you may have noticed by now, we do a lot, and we offer a lot. One of the things that we offer, and this is again optional but recommended, depending on your capacities and interests of course, is a range of certificates. You'll see here (on the slide) that they start in the first year continuing to later years of the degree, relating to digital literacy, there is a sustainability consultancy one (which is the way that sustainability is often approached in the corporate and public sector in terms of auditing and considering the sustainability of certain practices etc.). In the first year, there is a professional communication certificate, which Bodrun will discuss a bit more in just a moment. There is the coaching certificate, and we have a new one because we keep building on, carbon literacy, which will be available to all students as well in the upcoming year. These are recorded on your Higher Education Achievement Report so that is a consideration and of course, you can put it on your CV and continue using this as part of your skill set. I'm going to hand it over to Bodrun and take a coffee break for a moment.  

Bodrun Nahar, Employability and Placement Manager >> Lovely thank you, Romain. Hi again everyone, I mentioned earlier I’m the Employability and Placement Manager for the GSD degree programmes and what that really means is that it's really highlighting to you how much emphasis that we put, as a school, as a department, on developing your employability skills and my role specifically is to support you and guide you through that process.  

We know it's a very competitive graduate job market out there, it always has been and it will continue to be so we just want to make sure that you are as prepared as possible when you transition into the world of work which is something that is inevitable, it's waiting for you, it waits for all of us, so it's going to come at some point! My role as I mentioned could be anything from providing you with advice and guidance on anything related to employability, this could be something such as a CV or you don't know what to do with your degree.  

There are lots of different ways I can support you, I also build links with employers to connect you with them specifically for work placements which I'll talk about in a bit but also, I get involved in developing and designing and delivering those skills. Some of those skill sessions that you encounter in your first, second, and third year as well as obviously the ones that I deliver, specifically employability related and designed for you.  

But in terms of one of the key ways that we really encourage you to develop your employability skills is really through work placement and I always say, that our degree program is very much, one can argue, designed under the umbrella of employability because all the modules that we've designed, they're very contemporary, they're very current and very relevant to what's happening to the world of work. The way that we teach you as well is not just lectures, but we ensure that you're developing your employability skills and also this is reflected in the assessments that we have designed. As Romain mentioned that it's not just doing an assignment or typical essay, we have lots of different types of assessments, whether it's policy briefs, doing a presentation, and these are skills that you will be required to use in the world of work so they're transferable but we also understand there is nothing like actually getting that real experience to really taste and understand the world of work. And this is the reason why we encourage you to engage in work placements as part of your degree program, they are really essential. As a school we offer you two work placement options that you can undertake, short and long, which are part of your degree program but don't necessarily count towards your final mark and I'll go through them. 

One of them is through the Certificate of Professional Communication which Romain mentioned earlier. This is one of our professional development courses. This certificate is very much designed to give you exposure and understanding of the world of work and how to navigate it. After you've completed this certificate, you do a one-month work placement with an organisation which takes place during the summer and this gets recognised on your Higher Education Achievement Report.  

The other is the year-long placement which commonly is referred to as a sandwich placement or an industrial placement but again as Romain mentioned here, we're very different, we call it the intercalated year out. You have the option to do the study abroad if you want to, or you can do the work placement. We do give the option to do both but that's a very tricky one (I won't go into too much detail but essentially the year-long placement requires you to take a year out). You work for an organisation for between seven to twelve months and it takes place in the employer's working environment.  

Nowadays this may involve some remote working and then after you finish you come back and complete your final year. Essentially you do a four-year degree. This is something that might sound very challenging which is understandable, but just remember that you're not on your own, I am here to support you through that process. Very much like how you have your personal tutors, your academics to help you with your essays and all of that, I'm here to support you through this transition as well so you're not on your own.  

There are lots of different work placements that you can do as a GSD student and employers are aware of the skills that you develop whilst doing this degree and that's why they're interested in you. We've had students go out and do placements as a research assistant, environmental sustainability, they've done placements in marketing, intelligence, I mean the list goes on, in finance or working for investment banks, there are so many opportunities that are out there for you. It's dependent on what your interests are, and we have employers from lots of different sectors as you can see (on the slide) who are interested in our students and this is real data, they're very interested in working with you. We have lots of students who work abroad as well so if you want to do a work placement in a different country then that's also fine. We very much encourage it as well because that does develop your skills too.  

You might be thinking about careers and what can you do after you graduate and this is again the reason for the work placement, it's an opportunity for you to test the world of work, and understand a particular role because you may have a role in mind and you might think ‘do I really want to do this?’ Actually, and this happened for me, when I engaged with it I realised that it's not really what I want to do. Therefore, you have this platform, this is a safety net where you can go and test a particular role, see if you like it or not and then make a more informed decision about your career.  

You can see (on the slide) that our students go on and do lots of different careers after they graduate. Some have done a work placement but their graduate role is in a different area and that's absolutely fine. They feel happier, because they've been able to really try out something that they were interested in. But you can see this is a sample of the roles that our students have gone into and again this is information, this is real information and just a sample and it's very broad, very varied, and again just to highlight to you that studying GSD really maximises your opportunity and chances in terms of the roles that you can go into.  

We've got everything from students working in recruitment, talent acquisition, working HR, energy, and procurement analysts, it just goes on! Like I said, this is just a sample and this is the same with your further studies as well. You may study a subject in GSD and then realise you're interested in something else. We've got students who've gone on to do media and communications, spatial data science and visualization, so interesting!  

It's really broad but what I would really say to you is that when you do come to join us, which I hope you will, just remember that there is support available for you to explore whatever it is that you are interested in. You're not on your own and really it is up to you we will provide you with the tools but it's up to you to engage as much as you can. Work placement is one of them and so do consider it. I really do look forward to supporting you when you do join us and I'm pretty sure that after you finish your degree you'll become more confident in your ability and know a bit more in terms of what you want to do after you graduate. And if you have any other questions or anything like that, I'm here, please feel free to put it on the chat but for now, I'll pass you back over to Romain.  

Romain Chenet, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of Admissions >> Thank you Bodrun, I will just very quickly hand it over to Eszter who will discuss the student community.  

Eszter Vlasits, GSD student >> Yes thank you. So, hi everyone again, I'm here to talk a bit about the student side of things. First, you must know that Warwick has an insane number of societies, I think it's somewhere around 250. Obviously, some of those are not really active but fortunately, the GSD-related societies are not one of those. We've got several things that you can engage in, the most basic and famous one probably is the GSD Society which just collects everyone interested in anything sustainability-related, we've got people who don't even do the degree, they're just interested in sustainability and all year round the society does all sorts of cool stuff. Socials, different activities, programmes, maybe even going out of town, sometimes it's something as simple as gathering at the main piazza of the university campus and just having a talk about some topics. Sometimes it's something more organised but it's always a fun way to meet people who maybe are interested in the same topics as you. You'll find that in Warwick lots of societies are very intense and do a lot of things and it's probably the best way to meet like-minded people and your friends, maybe even better than trying to get friends on your course or in your flat.  

The second one is Globus, this is an entirely student-led online publication. I am the deputy editor-in-chief of this magazine from this year and what we do here is anyone can join again all across from the university, you don't have to study GSD. What you can do here is you bring up a topic with the editors, they approve it and you can write about basically anything as long as it's even a bit sustainability-related. Then the editors go through it and post it on the website. Because of this, we've got this nice collection of quality writings coming all from students who are interested in those topics and have gone above and beyond to research those topics next to their studies to produce something that can potentially inform anyone or get anyone interested in sustainability. It's also a really nice way of getting some practice in writing and researching in a way that's a bit less rigid than the university essays so I find I really enjoy that. But of course, there's not really a commitment, it's a free-time thing.  

And then we've got, oh, of course, the Warwick climate negotiating forum. This is a nice thing that they've done last year I think and maybe even the year before but I'm not sure because of Covid. This was a forum that emulated the COP conferences if anyone knows what that is. All you need to know is that Warwick GSD puts a big emphasis on dealing with what goes on in the real world concerning sustainability, so we always keep on track with real-life events, conferences, and forums, that are happening around the world, in the UN and such. We open a conversation on those topics and then we've got a couple of student-led initiatives Warwick SEED and Warwick Cup. These are things that students have come up with to do something good around campus and such. For Warwick Cup, I think it is an initiative to have reusable cups all around campus. So basically, as you can see there are countless possibilities where you can not only learn about GSD but engage with what's going on in the world and realise your ideas. If you have any more questions just put them in the chat and I'll hand it back to Romain.  

Romain Chenet, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of Admissions >> Thank you so much Eszter, really comprehensive. As you can see everyone, there's a huge amount of stuff going on at Warwick, both within the department beyond the department and a lot of initiatives that the university runs and a lot of student societies. So, the limit is on your capacities and energy to take part in everything available.  

Okay, one thing that I wanted to add is that we also have a student newsletter, I'm not sure if Eszter mentioned this, that we send out regular lists of potential opportunities and things that students may be interested in. 

We’re now at the end of our overview session, thank you so much everyone for sticking with us for 45 minutes, and for having to listen to me for quite a lot of it. As I mentioned earlier, the entry requirements are available on our website so please have a look if you're interested in a GSD degree. We also do accept a wide range of qualifications so don't feel that there is a limiting factor per se but do have a look at the guidance in more detail. 

So, all that remains is for me to thank my co-presenters Eszter and Bodrun and of course you, for attending this overview session.  

I hope you have a good rest of your day and thank you for your interest in GSD.