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Transcript: Realising Sustainable Development

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. My name is Sambhaviy and I'm a third-year single honours GSD student and I'm from Malaysia.

Today I want to introduce to you the 'Realising Sustainable Development' module. It's a third-year optional GSD module. It's 15 CATS and it lasts for one term. So what I understand the goal of the module is, is to essentially get us to understand the potentials and challenges of realising sustainable development and for us to kind of make our own contributions to implementing solutions in the real world. I love that we had the opportunity to implement all the theories that we learnt in a practical manner.

Usually when I pick my modules I tend to pick modules that have different assessment types, only because it works a lot better for me than having 100% exam-based or having 100% based on one assignment. So, this module definitely checked that box because we had the group appraisal presentation, an individual research report, an individual proposal presentation, as well as the reflection on the entire module towards the end.

Besides being exposed to many different formats of assessments, I really liked that each assessment related to the one before. So, it helped me to develop and improve the project as I went on. So the assessments definitely helped me to explore parts of GSD that I never really even considered before, so for example our group appraisal presentation was based on learning spaces at the University of Warwick. I developed my own personal tasks to explore informal learning spaces and that's something I'd never even heard of before but this module taught me how important it is to our learning process.

Another thing that I really enjoyed about the module was that it related to other modules as well, such as 'Sustainable Cities' and 'The Energy Trilemma'. For me, I tend to forget things if I don't constantly refresh what I've learnt previously, so GSD helps me to expand my knowledge on a particular topic because while one module might explore the topic in one context, a different module might do it in a different context.

When I did this module we had an in-person workshop followed by an online seminar. But, when the (COVID-19) restrictions came in, we obviously had to move everything online, but, we did manage to have a University tour where we had to appraise different sites on campus to help with our group presentation. So it was really refreshing for us to step out and explore something that we're already used to but in a completely different light.

That's all I have for you today, I really hope this was helpful. Thank you so much!