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Transcript: GSD and Business Studies - Šimon

Hi everyone, I’m Šimon, I came to Warwick from the Czech Republic and I’m studying GSD with Business. The combination of GSD with Business is quite interesting. I would say in some ways it can be considered an oxymoron, as in many cases sustainable development has in its core very much opposite values to business. That said, it is important to study both of these fields, as it allows us to understand both sides and figure out how they can work together. Businesses of the world are often responsible for the biggest sustainability issues and studying GSD with Business really allows you to grasp that from both perspectives.

If you are going into your first year, I would advise you to take it easy and try not to create any expectations such as what you think you want to do. Instead, try different things, things that might not have interested you before, because those might very well turn out to be your greatest passions.

With GSD you will have your modules in the first year quite fixed, but do experiment on the Business side and do not be afraid to switch modules in the first weeks. If you make use of what GSD with Business offers you, it can very well fit many of your career ideas. Me personally, of all the sustainability topics, I am most passionate about the climate crisis. We know that the corporations are those responsible there and those that should be accountable as well, and yet the solutions are mostly executed by governments and non-profits. So, my personal goal is finding ways to get corporations involved to lead the efforts towards solving this climate crisis. I’m sure that I’ll be able to pursue this, mainly thanks to what GSD with Business is already giving me right now.

So go ahead, explore what this joint degree can offer you, use the first year to define your passions, and then follow them. That’s my advice.