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Student Forms

Mitigating Circumstances Form

The new Personal Circumstances portal via Tabula is now the way in which you can submit requests for the relevant Board of Examiners to consider the impact of any unforeseen events or circumstances on your studies. You also must speak with your Personal Tutor or the Director of Student Experience before (or when) you submit the form, so that we can make sure we're fully aware of any issues and can best support you. For more guidance, please consult the Student Handbook.

Appeal Form (non-finalists)

If you consider that you may have grounds to appeal against the decision of the Exam Board, you must speak first to your Personal Tutor before submitting a formal appeal. Your Personal Tutor will be able to provide advice about the acceptable grounds for appeal according to University Regulation 8 and direct you to the relevant form to be completed.

Student Funding Application form - The School for Cross-faculty Studies makes available to its students each year a limited number of bursaries of up to £100 each to support their participation in events and activities linked to their study. Students wishing to apply for this funding should complete the application form by the appropriate deadline and submit it to the School for its consideration.