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SSLC Nominations Form 2019/20

Please use this webform to submit nominations for the Student-Staff Liaison Committee for the academic year 2019-20. The SSLC consists of student representatives and an Academic Convenor. There should be a total of SEVEN student representatives: two from each year group, plus one student who has returned from a study abroad/work year to represent the current students away from campus. From these seven representatives should be chosen a CHAIR, who manages meetings, attends Staff Committee meetings to represent the SSLC, engages with University-wide activities, and acts as the leader for the Committee. There also must be chosen a SECRETARY, who organizes and schedules meetings, takes minutes, maintains records, and updates the Students' Union with relevant information. The SSLC may choose to add further roles (e.g. Equality Officer, Outreach Officer, Society Liaison, etc.). The SSLC is a very important committee and members should be prepared for termly meetings, further meetings/training, and project work (likely to amount to five hours/month). The SSLC is the body that represents students in the department--the more active it is, the more input students have into the life of the department. Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper is the Academic Convenor. The outgoing Chair is Thomas Harvey and the outgoing Secretary is Livi Preece. If you have questions about the SSLC, please get in touch with any of us.
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