Course Structure

How our Liberal Arts Degree is structured
Year One
In your first year of study, you will be required to take two core modules from the Liberal Arts department, in addition to at least one Critical Issues module and one Research Training module. Your other modules can be selected either from the Liberal Arts department or another department within the university. At the end of your first year, you will be required to choose either a Route or Pathway for continuing your studies. Click the dropdown options below to find out more about each required module type.
Year Two
For both your second and third year, you will be required to take a core Liberal Arts module and a minimum of three optional Liberal Arts modules (these can be spread across your second and third year). You will also take any compulsory core modules required from your chosen Disciplinary Route or Specialist Interest pathway, in addition to optional modules of your choice from any department within the University. Click the dropdown options below to find out more about each required module.
Year Three
For both your second and third year, you will be required to take a core Liberal Arts module and a minimum of three optional Liberal Arts modules (these can be spread across your second and third year). You will also take any compulsory core modules required from your chosen Disciplinary Route or Specialist Interest pathway in addition to optional modules of your choice from any department within the University. In your final year of study, you will also be required to complete a dissertation or project. Click the dropdown options below to find out more about each required module.