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Peer REF Sessions

Join our peer-to-peer support sessions for REF case study leads, organised by the Impact Team and the Deputy Chair of Faculty. These events will take place in person in the FAB, with light refreshments provided.

These collaborative sessions are your opportunity to share challenges and successes with fellow case study leads, and to get feedback to help you plan your next steps. Anyone in the Faculty of Arts who is developing a case study for REF is invited to attend, whatever stage you are at.

The aims of these sessions are to:

  • Bring together researchers working in similar areas across the Faculty
  • Enable Case Study Leads to get feedback on their current project
  • Facilitate planning for future activities
  • Support with preparation for future Deep Dive meetings

To make the most of your session, we will ask you to share a summary of your current case study a week before the event, so that this can be shared with participants to read ahead of time. You may find it useful to follow the REF Case Study template structure for this, you can find a template here with some useful tips on expectations for each section.

Please note, there is no expectation that this will be a complete or polished document, it can be in a rough or note form which reflects what you've done so far and what you hope to achieve. We do however ask that you provide enough information to enable discussion on the day. You can also use this document to highlight any particular questions or challenges you have.

Each session will be themed around a particular area of work, to enable you to make connections with colleagues. You may find that your work fits into more than one category, in which case please pick whichever you prefer.

Which session would you like to attend? (required)
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