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Course Design Workshop

Course design workshops

Support for course leaders taking teams through curriculum development.

Support for those leading course development

To support colleagues leading course design or development the LDCU has created a programme of workshops. These workshops, preceded by preliminary work and supplemented by a suite of online tools and resources, will enable course leaders and core members of their team to prepare for the process of curriculum development. Working in a collegiate and collaborative environment programme leaders and their core team will work through facilitated tasks covering key components of the curriculum development process.

You will be working primarily with your own programme team, although there will also be opportunities to learn from colleagues in other Departments through information sharing and discussion.

The programme has been carefully aligned to the University's recently developed Dimensions of the Warwick Curriculum to help inform, where needed, completion of relevant documentation.

Preparatory work

Before each workshop you will be required to engage in some preparatory work which will be available via our Moodle site. Each participant will be embarking upon this work with individual levels of expertise, the preparatory work is designed to provide a baseline knowledge and understanding. It will also require course teams to engage in some information gathering which will feed directly into the curriculum development process, and will also inform workshop-based activities and discussion.

Supporting resources

In addition to the preparatory work and workshops we will provide a suite of online tools and resources via Moodle, and signpost additional sources of guidance and support.

Who should attend

Workshops have been designed to support those leading curriculum development on individual courses.

The course leader/convener should book a place for their core team including no more than 5 people. We suggest:

  • course convener* (if joint honours a leader from each discipline should attend)
  • student representative*
  • Director of Student Experience
  • Director of Studies
  • Core module leader/s

* required

icon showing three people in dialogue in a workshop

Workshop 1

The first workshop focusses on what will motivate the curriculum, and how you will initiate the development process. Activities will focus on how you will work with the wider programme team to re/design course aims in response to internal and external factors driving change and innovation (Dimensions of a Warwick Curriculum, Essential Dimension 2), and then translate those aims aims into course learning outcomes. We will also consider how you might evaluate the success of the course.

By the end of workshop 1 you should be able to:

  • identify stakeholders,
  • develop an information gathering strategy,
  • develop strategies/approaches you will use with your wider team to identify course aims,
  • recognise the characteristics of effective course aims statements,
  • recognise the qualities of effective evaluation,
  • identify the individual development needs of the core team.

Taking place on Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1-4pm, in person.

Please sign up here.

Icon showing three people thinking together in a workshop

Workshop 2

The second workshop will focus on how you will work with your wider course team to develop the assessment and feedback strategy, the programme structure, student journey and teaching strategy. We will also revisit the evaluation strategy. The aims of the workshop are to give you and the core team opportunities to consider how you will lead colleagues in the wider course team to:

  • reflect upon and design an effective and coherent student development journey which appropriately embeds intended Course Graduate Attributes and PSRB requirements within the curriculum (Dimensions of a Warwick Curriculum, Essential Dimensions 3,4 & 7),
  • re/design an Assessment & Feedback Strategy aligned with the UoW Assessment Strategies (Dimensions of a Warwick Curriculum, Essential Dimensions 5 & 6),
  • embed appropriate, distinctive, and innovative teaching and learning practices (Dimensions of a Warwick Curriculum, Essential Dimension 1),
  • re/design a Course Roadmap & Module topics.

By the end of workshop 2 you should be able to:

  • understand the steps you will need to take to develop your assessment and feedback strategy,
  • run an assessment strategy design workshop,
  • understand the iterative nature of curriculum design.
icon with calendar and clock

Workshop dates

These workshops have been developed as a programme of two workshops with preparatory work before each one. When booking you are committing to attend both workshops and undertake the preparatory work.

Workshops will be held on campus, and places are limited to a maximum of 5 course teams for each workshop programme, and course leaders may bring a maximum of 5 people from their core team, teams must include at least one student representative.

Workshops will run every month, and we hope to begin later this term. When dates and venue are confirmed we will share the dates below and open booking. If you would like to register your interest by clicking the button below we will contact you when bookings are live.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: