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TEALfest Programme

TEALFest 2020 Programme

Here you can find the programme for the TEALFest 2020. For each day we created a virtual plenary room in Microsoft Teams.

Event Key: Webinar | Tweetchat/chat | Workshop |

  10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4

Mon 11th May
Chair: Robert O'Toole

Watch today's recordings.

Reflecting on the Warwick Online Learning Certificate

Dr Robert O'Toole, Jim Judges & Sara Hattersley
Academic Technology, Academic Development Centre


Asynchronous activity - share your top tips for online teaching

Padlet -


Tue 12th May
Chair: Jess Humphreys

Watch today's recordings.

Peer-learning and case-based learning in webinars with Vevox and Teams

Hannah Thein & Dr Robert O'Toole
Academic Technology Officer
Senior Academic Technologist
Academic Technology

TEL in the Arts Greek archaeological site database and Ancient Global History.

Michael Scott


A TEL framework for the co-design of an online course: experiences from a Monash-Warwick Alliance project

Richard Clay
Senior Academic Technologist

Lucy Hammond
Associate Professor

Using Teams for Teaching

Lee Griffin
Associate Professor WMG

Creating asynchronous video content

Kerry Pinny
Senior Academic Technologist
Academic Technology

Wed 13th May
Chair: Robert O'Toole

Watch today's recordings.

2-hour long webinars, have I gone mad?

Ninna Makrinov
Undergraduate Skills Programme Coordinator
Student Opportunity
LucĂ­a Tenorio, student, Sociology and Global Sustainable Development.

Post-lockdown course provision planning with hyflex teaching and learning

Dr John Couperthwaite
Echo360 Education Consultant

How to deliver effective hyflex courses: a live demonstration

Dr John Couperthwaite
Echo360 Education Consultant

Building an authentic learning community online

Dr Bo Kelestyn & Jonas Bouhlal
Senior Teaching Fellow
President of Chemsoc
Dept. of Chemistry

Interactive Online Learning for the Library - using H5P

Emma Brown
Academic Support Officer

Teaching Online - a discussion

Discussion following the Top tips for online teaching padlet earlier this week. (

Jess Humphreys
Senior Academic Developer
Academic Development Centre

(This session replaces the digital pedagogy conversation originally scheduled)

Thur 14th May
Chair: Jess Humphreys

Watch today's recordings.

Delivering graduate employability in the digital economy

Jack Hyland
FourthRev Partnerships

Does student use of lecture capture really help their learning?

Dr Louise Robson
University of Sheffield

Asynchronous activity - share your top tips/experiences etc. for asynchronous video editing

Padlet - 


Online teaching large classes

Stefania Paredes Fuentes
Associate Professor

An automated online revision tool

David Voss
Learning Technologist
Innovation Group

Transitioning to working online - share the challenges and solutions

Dr Robert O'Toole
Senior Academic Technologist
Academic Technology

Fri 15th May
Chair: Kerry Pinny

Watch today's recordings.

ABC Learning Design

Cath Fenn
Senior Academic Technologist

Using Online Reading Lists to support Learning and Teaching

Karen Jackson
Academic Support Manager

Using Teams Breakout Rooms

Martyn Potts
IT Training

Virtual Patients

Thomas Dale Maclaine Student

Cath Fenn
Senior Academic Technologist

Communication in the 21st century: How can Virtual Exchange help you?

Teresa MacKinnon
Associate Professor

Supporting facilitated small-group discussion activities online

Louise Davis
Associate Clinical Professor

Catherine Bennett
Associate Professor

Cath Fenn
Senior Academic Technologist

Dan Mitchell
Associate Professor

And CBL Facilitators and Medical Students