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Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence Winners

2024 CATE Winners - Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Community

warwick ptc

Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Community (WPTC) was established in 2021. As early career colleagues, postgraduate researchers who teach (often called Graduate Teaching Assistants)embody responsibilities such as lab demonstration, seminar leadership and marking. They are commonly referred to as being in a ‘liminal space’: somewhere between staff, student, teacher and researcher; which is where WPTC provides a point of connection, support and endorsement. The team has two broad aims. Firstly, it seeks to offer developmental opportunities to an evolving core of PGR teachers from across the institution, enabling connection and collaboration, incubation of ideas and an opportunity to lead, share and learn. Secondly, the team enables these colleagues to co-create research, resources and initiatives, and form partnerships which will benefit and give voice to the wider PGR teacher community, at Warwick and beyond.

Collectively developing the work as PGRs allows the team to move in a meaningful direction, with an authentic voice and a vested interest in the community and its needs. This is maintained through devolved and shared leadership on an annual cycle, within the core team, between PGR Teacher Champions (who drive the work); PGR Teacher Mentors from previous years (who support these peers); and a colleague in the Academic Development Centre (who provides oversight, mentorship and support). WPTC is personified by a relational pedagogy, a democratic space built on positive relationships: indispensable for the progression of the work. The team ecosystem brings developmental and reciprocal benefits to individuals who work in and transition between the roles.

WPTC has developed resources and opportunities for PGR teachers including: editorship of theJournal of PGR Pedagogic Practice(currently on its fourth call for papers); creation of a resource and information bank; promotion of PGR-run workshops and networking opportunities; and research into the state of the PGR teacher experience, which has informed institutional policy and practice. The team has been highlighted in a publication by Advance HE and its work disseminated via the national GTA Developer Network. Institutionally, the team was recognised for its work in theWarwick Awards for Teaching Excellencein 2022 and continues to champion the PGR teacher voice.

2022 CATE Winners - Learning Design Consultancy Unit

The Learning Design Consultancy Unit (LDCU) was established in June 2020, with the aim of bringing together expertise from the Academic Development Centre, Academic Technology and across Warwick to support the pivot to online teaching and learning.

Through collaborative, supportive community engagement the LDCU provides support for colleagues with designing and adapting teaching and learning for online and blended delivery. Over the past two years the LDCU has been responsive to circumstances, adapting the offerings of the unit to meet the needs of the community. Regular synchronous sessions have helped to build and foster an active open community where colleagues share experiences, questions, ideas and practice. This has been complemented with asynchronous resources including a Talking Online Learning podcast series showcasing approaches adapted by colleagues from across Warwick.

The LDCU has collaborated and connected with colleagues from across the institution to share their practice and expertise. Collaboration and open communication has been essential in the success of the LDCU – every member of the team brings a unique experience and expertise that in turn inspires and informs colleagues developing their practice in online and blended teaching and learning.

The core team collaborate in partnership with staff and students in supporting the design of teaching and learning – through critical discussions and trusted relationships the LDCU became a pivotal source of support for colleagues both in the pivot to teaching and learning and subsequent conversations around ‘where to next’.

A key element of the work of the LDCU is the work to promote Technology Enhanced Active Learning – this approach places students at the centre of the learning experience and considers how technology can enhance that experience adopting a pedagogy first approach. The LDCU works in collaboration with students to share experiences, develop guidance and discuss inclusive approaches to online learning. Through the annual institutional Technology Enhanced Active Learning festival (TEALfest) the LDCU has also opened discussions between colleagues at Warwick and beyond. TEALfest provides opportunities for further collaboration both between staff and students at Warwick and beyond.