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Dr Kerry Dobbins

Associate Professor

BA (Hons); MSc Educational Research Methods; PhD.


Associate Editor: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice

Co-editor SEDA Blog: The SEDA BlogLink opens in a new window


Kerry is an experienced pedagogic researcher with expertise in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). She has worked as an Education Researcher and Academic Developer in various institutions and joined the ADC in 2021. Kerry leads on the Academic and Professional Pathway for Experienced Staff (APP EXP), which is one of Warwick's routes to Advance HE/HEA Fellowship. She also leads Cultivate, which is the ADC's open access series of events and resources to support learning, teaching and assessment. Cultivate supports individual professional learning as well as providing a platform for colleagues to share their work and connect with wide and diverse communities. It hosts the open access seminar series as well as the Evaluating Teaching and Learning in HE Forum, both of which support sector-wide community engagement and discussion.

Kerry contributes to the wider work of the ADC team, for example through leading sessions and acting as an assessor on all the ADC taught programmes. Kerry is a WIHEA Fellow, co-leading the Inclusive Assessment Learning Circle. She is also a WIE alumni and part of the LDCU who were recognised with a national CATE award in 2022.

Kerry is an Associate Editor for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice and co-editor of the SEDA Blog. She is also currently an External Examiner for Queen's University Belfast.


Kerry is particularly interested in supporting colleagues to take evidence-based and evaluative approaches to their teaching. She takes an active role in enhancing colleagues' pedagogic scholarship skills and supporting the dissemination of their scholarly activities so that wider communities (internal and external) may benefit and build on the learning gained. Kerry's other interests include inclusive assessment (incorporating assessment and feedback design/strategy), anti-racist pedagogy, values-based teaching and compassion within the curriculum.


  • Dobbins, K., Pollard, E., Andrew, A. and Middleton, R. (2024). Editorial: Making Unstructured Abstracts More Concrete. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, vol.21(6)., pp.1-11

  • Dobbins, K. (2024) Applying an Academic Literacies Lens to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): A Scoping Review. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, vol.21(5),, pp.1-25.

  • Fischer, I. and Dobbins, K. (2023) Is it Worth it? How Paradoxical Tensions of Identity Shape the Readiness of Management Educators to Embrace Transformative Technologies in their Teaching. Journal of Management Education,
  • Bryan, J. and Dobbins, K. (2023) ‘Food for the Soul’: Applying the Human Library Concept to Academic Professional Development. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, vol.11(2), pp.24-29.

  • Kennedy, E. and Dobbins, K. (2023) The SEDA Blog – nine years and going strong! Educational Developments, vol.24(2), p27.
  • Dobbins, K. (2023) Developing Expertise for Teaching in Higher Education − practical ideas for professional learning and development – book review. Educational Developments, vol.24(2), pp.7-8.
  • Dobbins, K. (2023) Assessment for inclusion in higher education: promoting equity and social justice in assessment – book review. Educational Developments, vol.24(1), pp.13-14.
  • Andrew, M., Dobbins, K., Pollard, E., Mueller, B. and Middleton, R. (2023) The role of compassion in higher education. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, vol.20(3),
  • Dobbins, K., Adams, N.F., Bishop, E., Ismayilli, M., Papadopoulou, M., Phillips, M.L., Tauchner, N., van Wessem, E. and Watkins, J. (2021) The power of peers in GTA development of practice: evaluation of an equal-status teaching observation project. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, vol.14(2), pp.1-18.
  • Matthews, L. and Dobbins, K. (2021) The impact of engaging with a higher education institution’s continuing professional development scheme: the assessors’ perspectives, International Journal for Academic Development, vol.26(1), pp.41-53. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2020.1795664.
  • Dobbins, K. and Fell, P. (2020) Using the notion of ‘gift exchange’ to explore effective mentoring relationships in the placement setting. Teaching in Higher Education, vol.25(3), pp.334-349.
  • Dobbins, K., Brooks, S., Scott, J.J.A., Rawlinson, M. and Norman, R. (2016) Understanding and enacting learning outcomes: the academic’s perspective. Studies in Higher Education, vol.41(7), pp.1217-1235.
  • Fell, P. L., Dobbins, K. and Dee, P. (2016), Bioscience learning in clinical placement: the experiences of pre-registration nursing students. Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol.25, pp.2694–2705.
  • Wordsworth, S., Abbott, H., Dobbins, K. and Fell, P. (2016) Exploring the importance of learning biosciences as a way of developing safe practice in Operating Department Practice (ODP). Journal of Pedagogic Development, 6(2), pp.65-76.
  • Brooks, S., Dobbins, K., Scott, J.J.A., Rawlinson, M. and Norman, R. (2014) Learning about learning outcomes: the student perspective. Teaching in Higher Education, 19(6), pp. 721-733.
  • Freeman, R and Dobbins, K. (2013) Are we serious about enhancing courses? Using the principles of assessment for learning to enhance course evaluation. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, vol.38(2), pp.142-151.
  • Dobbins, K. (2011) Reflections on SoTL by a casual lecturer: personal benefits, long-term challenges. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, vol.5(2), pp.1-4.
  • Dobbins, K. (2010) Increasing student numbers and the scholarship of teaching and learning: exploring connections, impacts, and ‘quality’, Gateway Papers: A Journal for Pedagogic Research in Higher Education, vol.1.
  • Gutteridge, R and Dobbins, K. (2010) Service user and carer involvement in learning and teaching: a faculty of health staff perspective, Nurse Education Today, vol.30(6), pp. 509-514.
  • Dobbins, K. (2009) Feeding innovation with Learning Lunches: contextualising academic innovation in higher education, Journal of Further and Higher Education, vol.33(4), pp.411-422.
  • Dobbins, K. (2009) Teacher creativity within the current education system: a case-study of the perceptions of primary teachers, Education 3-13, vol.37(2), pp.95-104.
  • Dobbins, K. (2008) Enhancing the scholarship of teaching and learning: a study of the factors identified as promoting and hindering the scholarly activities of academics in one faculty, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, vol.2(2), pp.1-8.

Kerry Dobbins


Academic Development Centre, Senate House, University of Warwick