Summary Video

This video is a recorded interview between Dr Bo Kelestyn, the pedagogy leader, and Zoe Nobileau, one of the project officers. This conversation contains the a full description of the pedagogy, it's objectives and the potential benefits. Summary points of this conversation are inlcluded below:

Key points of the conversation:

  • Bo highlights the problematic attainment gap of Chinese students in the chemistry department.
  • Some Chinese students have difficulty integrating into the culture and have problems with the language barrier.
  • The project involved hiring two Chinese students for a project officer role. These officers aim to look into fellow student experience, with support from the department, and combine this with academic research and good examples of practise from other institutions to make recommendations to the department.
  • This project aims to directly help students, while also supporting teaching staff who may also be struggling with teaching certain students.
  • Gives the students more agency in the process of cultural integration.