
This is a co-created digital literacy journey providing technical tips, motivation, academic tips, support and shared experiences. Developed for and by mature, part time and/or commuter students this resource aims to support wellbeing by providing a shared experience and by exchanging useful digital literacy top tips. The resource provides lived examples of digital literacy struggles as well as strategies for an improved digital experience. It can therefore reassure less confident students, while also provide useful technical and academic tips for more digitally literate students. The resource is easy to use and, although specifically designed for mature, part time or commuter students, is suitable for any student.


Less of a theory and more of a digital friend, the resource is designed as a type of positive wellbeing support for students. Students can dip in and out and quickly identify elements that are useful to them to nurture more positive feelings related to digital literacy.

Measurable Benefits

  • Students can normalise feelings of frustration related to digital literacy
  • Students can receive shared digital literacy tips created by their peers
  • Students will feel supported by peer encouragement which, by the nature of the resource, is available at any time

How it Works

  1. The resource be found here: Digital Literacy Journey Map
  2. Students should be guided to browse the resource. This can be in lessons, seminars, personal tutoring sessions or via student newsletters/emails
  3. Students can dip into the resource as they need either for specific tips, motivation or support.

Practical Example

The resource was emailed to a group of part time students with a variety of technical backgrounds and they were encouraged to browse the content. One student with a strong technical background reported back how useful it was and thanked the practitioner for sharing.