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You can click on an event to display further information about it.

The toolbar above the calendar has buttons to view different events. Use the left and right arrow icons to view events in the past and future. The button inbetween returns you to today's view. The button to the right of this shows a mini-calendar to let you quickly jump to any date.

The dropdown box on the right allows you to see a different view of the calendar, such as an agenda or a termly view.

If this calendar has tags, you can use the labelled checkboxes at the top of the page to select just the tags you wish to view, and then click "Show selected". The calendar will be redisplayed with just the events related to these tags, making it easier to find what you're looking for.

Thu 19 Sep, '24
WIHEA Masterclass: Critical Thinking
Teaching Grid
Thu 19 Sep, '24
Opportunity to become an Ethical Reviewer for Education Research Projects
MS Teams

The Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (HSSREC) wants to improve the way they provide ethical review for Education Research projects. They are setting up a new pool of reviewers specifically for low-risk Education Research projects. If you are interested in reviewing projects for HSSREC and want to find out more about what this would involve, please join us at this informal information session held by Rosie Bellamy on Thursday 19 September at 16:00 on MS Teams.

This session will cover what the process involves, what the time commitment would be and an opportunity to ask any questions, it should last no longer than 20 minutes. Further training on how to review applications will be provided at a later date for those who wish to become reviewers. If you cannot make the information session but are still interested to hear more, the session will be recorded so please email to be given access to the recording (when it becomes available) or contact Rosie directly ( to learn more about the process with no obligation to join.

Tue 22 Oct, '24
New Fellows Mentoring & Networking Lunch
Chancellors Suite

New Fellows are invited to the New Fellows Mentoring & Networking Lunch, taking place on Tuesday 22 October at 12:00-14:00 in the Chancellors Suite, Rootes Building.

This will provide you with the opportunity for mentoring support from both current Fellows and Alumni. It will also feature a Learning Circle Fair, where Learning Circle Leads will be present to share information about the aims and activities of each Learning Circle, allowing you to express your initial interest in joining. Additionally, you'll have the chance to meet and network with your cohort.
