Student Projects
The University of Warwick is home to a vibrant and active drama community, with several drama societies presenting a wide range of plays, workshops and other activities throughout the year. Warwick student drama has a high reputation nationally and is regularly represented at the National Student Drama Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, as well as performing shows at Warwick Arts Centre and other venues on campus and in the local area.
The CAPITAL Centre's remit was to explore and develop Creativity and Performance in Teaching and Learning, and it was the Centre's belief that supporting student drama and performance-related events can be an important part of this. The Centre provided a variety of kinds of support:
Productions and Events: There was the opportunity for students to put on small-scale events and productions at the CAPITAL Centre, with some financial and technical support.
Funding: There was a limited amount of funding available to assist student productions taking place elsewhere in the University, or for productions touring to Edinburgh or Scarborough.
Rehearsal space: The CAPITAL Centre provided free rehearsal space for students to develop creative projects.
If you are interested in teaching and learning from the student perspective check the CETL Student Learning and Teaching Network.
Students rehearsing in the Rehearsal Room
A performance in the Studio