Athena Swan

CIM Athena Swan Bronze Award
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies holds a Bronze Athena Swan award.
The Athena Swan Charter is a framework to support and transform gender equality wihin higher education and research.
In January 2024, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies was awarded a departmental Athena Swan Bronze award for a five-year cycle until January 2029.
With this award, we commit to a 20-point action plan with these priorities:
- Embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and Athena Swan principles and good practices in structures and processes, by establishing robust and permanent frameworks that promote our vision for inclusive gender and intersectional equality as a central part of CIM’s culture and community
- Creating a robust process that supports the career cycle starting at recruitment - to ensuring equality of opportunity for all staff to develop a successful career trajectory
- Improving a culture of whole-life balance
- Educational diversity, representation and support
You can read our 2024-2028 Athena Swan action plan here.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies’ EDI Committee meets once per term, and includes representation from academic staff, PSS and a student representative who joins in the spring term. Any member of the CIM community may raise an issue for discussion by the EDI Committee by contacting the Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Dr Nerea Calvillo at