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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Diversity in Data Visualization.

Apply for one of 12, fully funded four year studentships to study for a PhD in Data Visualization, commencing October 2025.

Next application deadline March 28th – apply here. UK-fee applicants only in this application round.

What is the DIVERSE-CDT?

We are an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Diversity in Data Visualization hosted across University of Warwick and City St George’s University of London.

Up to 12 fully funded PhD studentships are available each year starting with 2025, for the next five years to train new leaders in data visualization.

Science, industry and society need people with advanced data visualization capabilities. The EPSRC has funded DIVERSE CDT to address this skills gap. The DIVERSE CDT is innovative, backed by a range of partners, and run by institutions that have proven capability and research quality.

If you can't find an answer to your question via the links below, please get in touch by emailing – our CDT Manager Nicola Kirkby.

For Warwick/CIM specific enquiries contact:

Need to know:

  • Fully funded PhD opportunities (four years) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
  • A collaboration between City St George's and the University of Warwick.
  • Be part of a diverse and active cohort working on and learning about data visualizations through research.
  • Internships with academic and industrial partners across public, private and not-for-profit sectors, including the Natural History Museum, the Ordnance Survey, and the Centre for Applied Education Research.
  • Training in data analysis, visual design, user experience and digital notebooks.
  • Structured learning, workshops, and mentorship tailored around your needs and interests.
  • Opportunities to work on, and advocate for, data-related problems and topics important to you.
  • Work with a mentor to identify your interests and learning needs, subject experts and a research scientist to support you.
  • Research visits to world’s leading data visualization research labs.

Application overview:

1. Submit your application to the CDT -

2. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited to Interview.

3. Applicants who are offered funding then apply for the PhD programme at the host university (i.e. Warwick or City St Georges).

Students collaborating on drawing a map

Links to information on Warwick:

Applying for a PhD at Warwick - Research Course Applications

CIM, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies -

Postgraduate life at Warwick -Join us for postgraduate study at the University of Warwick

Detailed information on the DIVERSE CDT:

Information sheet - access a pdf handout hereLink opens in a new window 

FAQs -

Apply- Follow the Application link on the DIVERSE CDT pageLink opens in a new window