Master’s Application 101
Master’s Application 101: How to make the most out of it?
The process of searching, evaluating, and applying for a master’s programme was one of the weirdest and most prolific experiences of my life. To some people they seem chaotic and difficult. To some others just a technicality. However, it is more than that as in my case, it helped me understand my desires and it allowed me to challenge myself. To reach the end of this process unscathed, you should take a step back and ask yourself: “Is a master’s really what I want to do? Is it my desire or the desire of my peers?" If, in fact, after careful consideration, the answer to that is yes, then congratulation you are a step closer to achieving your dreams. Right now, that you know that you want to pursue a master’s, it is time to find out what you want to do…
This, in my point of view, is the most difficult question that someone can ask himself, during the process, as it needs self-reflection and search. In this step, you should think about the topics that you always wanted to pursue and academic challenges that you wanted to take but never had the opportunity to. Additionally, it will be good to imagine yourself in a work set up 5 years from now, to identify what soft/hard skills you might need to obtain to be there. Finally, there is no need to limit yourself to your previous studies, you can always combine them with something new or even change the domain completely. The most important factor is to find a topic that excites you and makes your heartbeat spike.

Student name: Emmanouil Xagoraris
Subject area: PGT in Big Data and Digital Futures (2022-23)

Seek and you will find
In the next part of the process, Google will become your best friend as your research for actual programmes will start. It is essential to do your reading before applying as every programme offers different skills, knowledge, and experiences. At Warwick for instance, the MSc Big Data and Digital Futures offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that does not require any statistical or coding background even if it offers optional courses that discuss topics such as Machine Learning and Data Visualization. On the other hand, the MSc Data Analytics offered by the computer science department is quite more quantitative and more orientated to data engineering and programming. Therefore, one should think about the ideal balance between theory and practice before choosing. There are various ways to understand the character of a programme either from reading the curriculum or from communicating with alumni directly through LinkedIn or other social media. The latter could be more helpful, as you can find a person that matches your background and ask quite specific questions. Finally, keep an eye on virtual events that each programme holds for future candidates; they are informative, and they can give you an idea what to expect from the master’s.
And send it…
The final step of an application is to write the personal statement. There are three factors that you should take into consideration when writing a personal statement. Firstly, it should be as the title indicates personal. You should not go with a generic one found online, as they are not highlighting your skills, achievements, and the special traits that you can bring to the programme. Secondly, it is always good to show that you have researched the university and the department as it indicates that your decision to apply is informed-based and should be taken seriously by the selection committee. Finally, try to apply early and structure your statement in a way that helps the selection committee to understand your motivation, your language skills, and most importantly the real individual behind the application.
To sum up, when applying to a master’s programme one can travel virtually the world, dream of living and studying in a different cultural setup, and finally learn better thyself. Even if an application is time-consuming, it has always something to offer. Therefore, do not be afraid, start your application today and come a step closer to attaining your goals.
Good luck and enjoy the process! See you in a year from now on campus I am sure that you will love it.