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Welcome to CIM

Welcome to CIM!


We're looking forward to welcoming all new Masters students to CIM for the 2024-25 academic year. Before joining us, please take a look at the documents below, which we hope will make your first week with us as enjoyable and productive as possible. We will be uploading new documents as they become avaialable in the lead-up to the start of term.

Academic Induction 2024-25

All you need to get started on your course

Supporting Materials for Induction (to be added after sessions)

CIM Skills Programme

The CIM Skills programme is a co-curricular sequence of training for all students across our PGT programmes that sits alongside the curricular activities for your degree. It is an important part of your learning experience that will enable you to acquire or improve the skills you need to complete your programme successfully and that will also stand you in good stead for the world of work when you graduate.

The programme covers a broad, well-rounded set of study and employability skills, including academic integrity, interdisciplinary reading, persuasive writing, and effective teamwork, plus a variety of useful computational skills and methodsLink opens in a new window, including R, Python, and working with data.

Your first Skills Session will take place on Friday 27 September, and you should sign up for a session via your Uniersity Welcome Week timeatble before joining us. Before this first session, it is important that you study the three pre-sessional introductory videos here.

While there are no assessments or credits, you are expected to attend all scheduled sessions, watch all the videos on the Moodle site, and to complete all preparatory exercises under each section so you can put the skills into practice, gain feedback, and learn. A number of the activities can be put towards attaining an additional Warwick Award certificateLink opens in a new window.

Virtual Learning Support

The Warwick virtual learning environment (VLE) is Moodle, which supports the delivery of all CIM modules. Some CIM modules, as well as those hosted by other departments, may feature virtual components, such as pre-recorded lecture materials followed by Q & A sessions. Please refer to the guidance below to ensure you make the most of your online learning experience.

Student Academic

    Arrival & Beyond