CIM Events
Past events
“Accelerate or Die”, Film screening and post-show chat
The Beat Godfather and the Glitter Mainman: Appreciating Bowie through Burroughs
Digital Divides and Health: Exploring the impact of digitalization on health in local, national, and international contexts
Research Forum 2: Post-colonial Spaces, Infrastructures and Digital Health Regulation
Talk and Echo - Poetry Workshop
Research Project Development – using tools and mentors to nurture your ideas (internal activity with Matt Spencer)
Location: S2.77
This session will be about helping everyone to develop research ideas. This includes ideas at any stage of development, including and especially those that are on the back burner in busy times. We will focus on refining a simple tool for thinking through project development activities, breaking things down into bitesize activities, and looking at how to use research mentors to help us progress our ideas towards grant applications.