10am: Research Workshop: Governing Human-AI Interactions – reflecting on the role of human-centric methods and behavioral studies
Digital Divides and Health: Exploring the impact of digitalization on health in local, national, and international contexts
2:30pm: Research Project Development – using tools and mentors to nurture your ideas (internal activity with Matt Spencer)
3pm: Staying with the Trouble: Applying Feminism to Visualization Research by Derya Akbaba, University of Linkoping
1pm: UN Human Rights Council Side Event: Digital Innovation, New Technologies And The Right To Health
3pm: Digital methods as ‘experimental a priori’–how to navigate vague empirical situations as an operationalist pragmatist
9:30am: ‘Shifting AI controversies’ Workshop — Shaping and re-shaping disputes about AI with design-led methods
Conference -Naomi Waltham-Smith presenting at 'Blood on the leaves / And blood at the roots': Reconsidering Forms of Enslavement and Subjection across Disciplines
11:55am: Funding Call - ESRC (delivered through Midlands Graduate School ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships)
2pm: Research Forum: Cagatay Turkay: Visualising the Pandemic During the Pandemic and Michael Dieter: Pandemic Platform Governance
2pm: Research Cake: Donato Ricci (Medialab, Sciences Po) Provoking Participation in Data-Intensive Environments: Lessons for AI?
Centre for Digital Inquiry - Inquiries Series: Bernhard Rieder and Taina Bucher talk Engines of Order
9:30am: Indicating Interdisciplinarity in AI (one-day workshop co-organised with CWTS, University of Leiden)
12:15pm: Research Forum: Greg McInerny (CIM) -BACKFILLZ and WAYS – Addressing longstanding visualisation problems at the site of production.
12:15pm: Research Forum: Scott Wark (CIM) - Correlating Race: On Machine Learning and Digital Culture
12:15pm: Research Forum: Naomi Waltham-Smith The Politics of Listening from the Banlieue to the Gilets Jaunes
3pm: 'As If’- Fiction as Method: Instead of Demanding Change act as though Change has Already Occurred.
12:15pm: Research Forum: René Westerholt (CIM) ‘Place’ in Geography and GIScience Towards Formalising Everyday Geographies
12:15pm: Talk: The Return of the Social: Algorithmic Identity in an Age of Symbolic Demise, Dan Kotliar, Dept. Sociology and Anthropology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
5pm: Oilab Talk: Teh internet is serious business: on anons, normieification and neo-reactionary memes
5pm: Uncertain Archives: Unknowns, Errors and Vulnerabilities in the Age of Big Data Kristin Eva Albrechtsen Veel Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies - Out of Data Speaker Series
Call for Abstracts: Spatial urban analytics and crowdsourced geographic information for smarter cities
Workshop: UK-Brazil Collaboration on Leveraging Crowdsourced and Sensor Data to Support Decision-Making towards Urban Resilience
5pm: CIM Research Seminar - Designing Research Devices: Speculative Method and Energy Demand Reduction
5pm: CIM Research Seminar - Amongst Algorithms: Technical Fieldwork between Software Studies and Digital Methods