Urban Sensory Walk at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences
Urban Sensory Walk at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences
Tuesday 5 November, 2019
Start: 3:45pm Coventry Cathedral, Priory Street, Coventry
End: 6:30pm FarGo Village, Coventry
It is often the spaces immediately around us, the ones we encounter every day, to which we pay least attention. This sensory walk and discussion, facilitated by Naomi Waltham-Smith, Nerea Calvillo and Maria Puig de la Bellacasa from the Centre of Interdisciplinary Methodologies (University of Warwick), invites the local community to attune ourselves together to our urban environment, in particular to the sounds and the air around us, the soil beneath our feet, and to the social and ecological issues affecting the city. Using various methods of sensing (listening, smelling, recording, touch…), we’ll be exploring how social and environmental justice come together as we envisage the future of Coventry.