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Setting up the shared CIM calendar on Apple calendar

This page details how to connect to the shared CIM calendar using Apple calendar.

Set up

1. Ensure you have added your Warwick email account to online accounts. You can find online accounts in the preferences app.

2. Open Apple calendar

3. Go to Calendar > Preferences

4. Select Accounts

5. Click on your Exchange account (the Warwick account), then select Delegation and press the + button. Start typing in cim and you should see the account appear.

Note: if is not appearing for you then make sure you have contacts selected in the online accounts app for your exchange account.

Also, do make sure you have access to the CIM shared calendar by contacting either James, Sarah or Gheerdu.

6. Ensure the delegate is enabled by clicking the check box.

You should now see the CIM Resource shared calendar in the calendar app. The calendar may take a little while to populate all of the upcoming events.


What do I do if the calendar disappears?

Go into the Delegates section (see above) and click on the - button. Full quit the Calendar app. Open Calendar and add the cim account again (see step 5).