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Resources for learning R

R Resources

Below are some resources for learning and understanding R. These links are to support further work and individual learning. You are not required to read/use any or all of these resources.

We will continue to add resources as we find them. If you have any suggestions then please do let James know at

Format Title Description
Book Data Visualisation for Social Science An intermediate difficulty online book aimed at social scientists which uses the Tidyverse set of packages
Book R for Data Science A beginner/intermediate difficulty online book aimed at anyone who uses R for data processing and offers an introduction to the Tidyverse set of packages
Book YaRrr! The Pirates Guide to R An introductory online book outlining the basics of R
Book An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping A very accessible introduction to using R to process spatial data using GIStools package
Book Advanced R An advanced online R book aimed at intermediate programmers who want to understand some of the internals of the R programming language
Book R packages An advanced online R book aimed at programmers who want to create R packages
Book Discovering Statistics using R Readable introduction to basic inferential and descriptive descriptives used in the social sciences using R
Book Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (Use R!) Intermediate book covering spatial data analysis with R.
Video R Studio Webinars Clear and diverse videos introducing how to use features of R and RStudio
Package Swirl An R package providing a tutorial to R within the R console
Webpage Cookbook for R Very accessible website solutions to common tasks and problems when analyzing data
Blog R Bloggers Blog aggregating R news and tutorials with an excellent digest email.
Webpage Online learning list on RStudio Online resource list curated by the RStudio team
Webpage R blogger: Using times and dates Page describing how to use times and dates
Webpage CDRC spatial data analysis and visualisation in R An excellent introduction to spatial data analysis and visualisation from the Consumer Data Research Centre./td>
Webpage R Spatial General introduction to spatial data analysis in R
Reference card Base Graphics Cheat sheet containing many of the base graphics commands for R
Reference card RStudio cheat sheets Web page linking to the many cheat sheets created by the RStudio team
Reference card RStudio Base R Cheat Sheet Cheat sheet containing the many of the base functions in R. A useful overview of the core components of R
Reference card How big is your graph? Cheat sheet helping you to calculate the various parts of a graph
Reference card CRAN base reference card A cheat sheet from the CRAN package repository which provides an overview to the main functions in R and what they do
Reference card R Data Visualisation Cheat Sheets Web page containing a series of data visualisation cheat sheets for R
Reference card UseR2012 Cheat sheet for using spatial vector and raster data. Uses the sp, raster, egdal, rgeos and spdep packages
Mailing list R Mailing lists Overview of the official R mailing lists
Mailing list R-help Mailing list Page for subscribing to the R-help mailing list
Mailing list Google search of R-help Archive Google search of the R-help archive of the text 'term'. Replace 'term' with your query in google to search the entire R-help mailing list rchive